Marijuana Reform On The Agenda At The OUSA SGM

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
New Zealand: Marijuana reform was on the agenda this morning at the final University Student General Meeting of the year.

The meeting, held on the Union lawn, saw Marijuana lobbyists try to raise several motions... but they were less interested in listening to other speakers.

The campaigners wanted the OUSA to support their afternoon cannabis protests... known as the "4:20 smokeup".

They also called for their own "smokers balcony" on the Otago University campus.. beside the Radio One building.

The group claim they've been targeted by Campus Watch and feel discriminated against.

However their requests were rejected by students at the meeting.. who said the ideas were simply ridiculous.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Channel 9, Dunedin Television
Copyright: 2008 Channel 9, Dunedin Television
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Website: Marijuana Reform On The Agenda At The OUSA SGM | Channel 9 | Online
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