Medi-pot Talks To Resume Today

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Nevada City will address medical marijuana dispensaries again tonight in what could be the final round of the issue.

City Council members will dig into the wording and merits of the latest draft of an ordinance. They have three ways they could go: Pass the ordinance allowing dispensaries, ban dispensaries altogether or delay of hearing the issue again until the council sees fit.

“The agenda is quite clear on the three courses,” said Councilwoman Sally Harris. “What I prefer to say is what I said last time we stood in the public discussion: I felt that our town was too small for this.”

In a town as small as Nevada City, a 500-foot buffer zone could easily put a proposed dispensary too close to a home, school or park, she said.

Three county residents have expressed interest in opening a dispensary in Nevada City, including city resident Harry Bennett.

“You'll hear more (today) about what's missing in Harry's, and others', thinking in what they can do and what they can't do in regards to a dispensary,” said Vice Mayor Robert Bergman. “The question really that the council, that the city, needs to answer is a simple: Does a dispensary fit in Nevada City? It's a particular situation.”

Under the latest draft of the ordinance, only one permit for a dispensary would be allotted; a dispensary would only be allowed in the Seven Hills Business District or the Gold Flat Industrial Park; it could not be within 500 feet of a school or park; no more than 8 ounces of dried marijuana for each of its qualified patients can be held (with exceptions); and it has to be a not-for-profit venture with “reasonable” compensation for expenses incurred.

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Author: Zuri Berry
Copyright: 2009
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