Medical Marijuana Bill Receives Bi-partisan Changes

Jacob Bell

New Member
Illinois - Legalization of medical marijuana is one step closer to coming to a vote before the House. Representative Lou Lang says he's made changes to his original bill and the new proposal will allow only non-profit medical marijuana dispensaries to provide marijuana to patients.

And, only people diagnosed with a severe illness, such as cancer or AIDS, will be eligible to take the drug.

Lang says he'd like to take a full vote on the bill today but it's being held up in a Rules committee.

If the legislation passes, Illinois will become the 16th state to allow medical marijuana.

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Website: Medical Marijuana Bill Receives Bi-partisan Changes
If we could only remove the money Prohibition provides to the government they would have no incentive. Control and power= money
"only people diagnosed with a severe illness, such as cancer or AIDS, will be eligible to take the drug."

Great, so a "less severe illness", such as anxiety or depression, should require more dangerous drugs, like X@nax or Seroquel.

This is the case in most states. People like to slam California's laws for being too lenient, but at least they recognize that Cannabis is indeed a safer alternative than many other scary drugs.

I took X@nax the doctor gave me, and blacked out for 12+ hours, and almost died. Look up Seroquel, and try to find the logic in making people take it, because marijuana is just too dangerous. There is none. We shouldn't have to make all these changes just to get this to pass. I'm glad that cancer & aids patients will get proper medicine, but these are not the only severe illnesses. Depression and anxiety have ruined my life, and kill people all the time. Apparently death is not a serious health condition. good grief.
If we could only remove the money Prohibition provides to the government they would have no incentive. Control and power= money

The ONLY reasons marijuana is illegal are prejudice, money, and power. It is a society-destroying expensive INDUSTRY to destroy peoples lives over a harmless plant.
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