Medical Marijuana Contest

Oregon-We should know within the next week or two if enough signatures have been collected to put Initiative 28 on the state-wide November ballot.

I-28 would regulate medical marijuana.

Meanwhile, supporters are fundraising for the initiative with the Eugene Cannabis Cups & Strain Evaluation.

They've spent the last month testing 18 different strains of cannabis to see which works best for certain medical conditions.

Those results were unveiled Saturday.

Judges followed the 'M-Scale,' judging strains on how it affected their brain and body. The scale ranged from 'active,' to 'balanced,' to 'sedated.'

"There was some patients who said this was terrible, and then some patients who said this was fantastic for several of them. And so I'm trying to get my mind around a process where there's such an extreme rate of response," said Voter Power Clinic Manager Edward Glick.

Glick says the winning sample isn't the important part; rather, it's what strains helped certain medical problems best.

He hopes to next do a trial with the top three strains, focusing on one particular medical condition.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: KEZI
Author: Stacia Kalinoski
Contact: KEZI
Copyright: 2010 KEZI
Website: Medical Marijuana Contest
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