Medical Marijuana - Texas - Multiple Sclerosis - Tim Timmons

Smokin Moose

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex Moderator

Medical Marijuana speech given by Multiple Sclerosis pot patient Tim Timmons inside the Texas Capital in Austin. In Texas, a medical marijuana patient, after arrest with the killer weed, cannot even speak in court to a jury of their medical condition. It is barred from evidence.

In Texas, compassion is illegal and prisons are overcrowded by the hypocrisy of political puppets like John Cornyn and Jeb Hensarling - men who crucify Jesus Christ daily with their premeditated ignorance and bold faced lies. Elect Barack Obama President of the United States and Willie Nelson governor of Texas. Lets make science and compassion legal again.

We have the ability to take back our country from those who have dishonored the party of Barry Goldwater and Theodore Roosevelt - and shamed America before the world. It's our call.
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