Move To Legalize Marijuana In California Sparks Fears About Drop In Prices

The owner of [one collective] made enough cash to install an outdoor toilet and shower in his back yard, have a salt water pool, erect a 15 foot deep subterranean wall, purchase a bay grand piano,send his daughter to private school, spend 3 weeks in Europe.
The owner of [a collective] made enough cash to install an outdoor toilet and shower in his back yard, have a salt water pool, erect a 15 foot deep subterranean wall, purchase a bay grand piano,send his daughter to private school, spend 3 weeks in Europe.

And???? Why should'nt someone who is working be able to provide for himself as long as he is not ripping off people... how about the fact that congress and the new prez paid off the banks who put them in power with the bail out money????

How many people have jobs because of this new industry??? Lots

How many might be lost with legalization???? lots

I am afraid of big corporations destroying this industry. Basics of econ. is... it is the small business's that fuel this country not corporations.

I for one am undicided on this issue. I would love it to be legallized to help people but hate the corporate world that may come in and destroy everything.
How many Law Enforcement Officers are jealous of how much people make in the Cannabis Industry?

Is the problems in CA. Cannabis Industry really the "Paid" legislatures fault who failed to honor the wishes of the voters of CA. for so long the People took it to the polls themselves?

Do you see Failed legislatures being "Held" responsible for the mess They created by not doing their "Paid" jobs of severing the Tax Payers of California?

ALL cannabis industry Issues in ballot Medical Cannabis states are problems caused by a Failed State Legislature who is ineffective at their jobs and are only severing themselves and Corporate interested anymore.

Anyone with an IQ remotely above 50 can see what I am outlining, but for some reason Law Enforcement can't, Hum.
Funny thing though... it is the Democrats that have been running this state for as long as I can remember. We need to vote on those people who are for the cause and not the ones who will add to the problems.
I understand that there are a LOT of people who work this trade, but that is just the point! There could be a LOT MORE people working in Cannabis based industry... It is not 'big business' or 'commercial interests' because anybody who understands the economics would realize that the growers are making a lot more money than the average 'joe'... THEY have become the 'commercial interest' = commercial=commerce... It has become a billion dollar INDUSTRY... in just Humboldt Co. So NO I don't buy the story it will 'hurt business'... that is pure BULL COOKIES!
Since THEY are the 'Commercial Interest' THEY should be spearheading the new innovations... AND HIRING PEOPLE TO WORK AT IT.
please note caps are only for emphasis not to 'shout' at anyone.
And I still stick to my main argument in this matter - they have the materials they have the money they LIVE THERE... so innovate if they are so damned scared they are gonna lose their POSH life! And if they do, I bet you will see Cannabis legal within a very short time! NATIONALLY... (had to yell there!)
Honk honk!!!:roorrip::nicethread:
Funny you should mention "ripping off people" as he is the former president of mepco Oil which was a company that shorted the California people on gas. This was done by installing an altered chip in the gas pump. Peter Tejera owes California over a half a million dollars as a result of the fraud but he chose to go to Europe, purchase a baby grand piano, and do massive renovations to his back yard instead of paying his debt to California.
Dispensaries are supposed to operate as non profit. The cooperate world can not come in and "destroy everything" if marijuana is only legal in California. The cooperate world does not want to get involved in things that are a violation of federal law.
I am asking dispensary owners to post a copy of their business and personal tax returns so we can all see that they are "non profit"
Well first off... now look who's being STUPID!!!

If the growers would get their act together, they could realize BILLIONS of dollars in new industry instead of being so fucking worried about their 'drop in prices'...

YOU WANT CANNABIS LEGAL? Well stop and think about this:

The growers are using approximately 10% (or less!) of the entire Cannabis plant, and how many plants do they grow per run? So maybe out of every TON grown, they use maybe, maybe 10% of the plant,.. and the rest goes to ???

IF they would form a collective, or a Co-op of growers and turn the by-product over to production of fiber, chemical agents such as the resins that are not useable for medical purposes but really good for making resin materials or soaps etc., and all the other constituents of the plant that are not used to GET HIGH,.. THEN the $$$ (dollars!!!) would make sense to lawmakers.

When you show them (the lawmakers and the citizenry) that people who grow as well as use Cannabis aren't just a bunch of 'pot-head' flakes, and can create a viable industry GOOD FOR ALL THE CITIZENS... THEN! and only then will we see this nation turn its attention to seriously legalizing Cannabis. ONLY THEN.

The growers of Humboldt County are NOT thinking clearly! Nor are they acting in a way that says they care for anything other than GETTING HIGH and MAKING MONEY... and that to me is BULLSHIT!

So I hope they get all that Karma has to offer them if they don't get their head out of their ASS and start thinking in terms of reality.

I am 58 and I have been using Cannabis since I was 14... and if I would have had a way to LEGALLY do it, I could have made a mint with my ideas gleaned from research and papers I have read by scientists...

So if I am just this little one person (a dummy) and these folks have been established for sooooo long and have the money and the means... WHY in the hell is it ONLY about the HIGH???

I WANNA KNOW! Cause it is looking like outright idiocy and GREED for them to be screaming about 'prices'!!!

And that my friends is my two cents on the matter.:reading420magazine::hmmmm:

Now who isn`t living in the real world? Hey I don`t live in Humbolt County and even I can see this wouldn`t work! Maybe with industrial hemp grown in large fields, but with people here and there all over the mountains with patches of 200-300 plants in greenhouses? never going to be economic enough.
Well first off... now look who's being STUPID!!!

If the growers would get their act together, they could realize BILLIONS of dollars in new industry instead of being so fucking worried about their 'drop in prices'...

YOU WANT CANNABIS LEGAL? Well stop and think about this:

The growers are using approximately 10% (or less!) of the entire Cannabis plant, and how many plants do they grow per run? So maybe out of every TON grown, they use maybe, maybe 10% of the plant,.. and the rest goes to ???

IF they would form a collective, or a Co-op of growers and turn the by-product over to production of fiber, chemical agents such as the resins that are not useable for medical purposes but really good for making resin materials or soaps etc., and all the other constituents of the plant that are not used to GET HIGH,.. THEN the $$$ (dollars!!!) would make sense to lawmakers.

When you show them (the lawmakers and the citizenry) that people who grow as well as use Cannabis aren't just a bunch of 'pot-head' flakes, and can create a viable industry GOOD FOR ALL THE CITIZENS... THEN! and only then will we see this nation turn its attention to seriously legalizing Cannabis. ONLY THEN.

The growers of Humboldt County are NOT thinking clearly! Nor are they acting in a way that says they care for anything other than GETTING HIGH and MAKING MONEY... and that to me is BULLSHIT!

So I hope they get all that Karma has to offer them if they don't get their head out of their ASS and start thinking in terms of reality.

I am 58 and I have been using Cannabis since I was 14... and if I would have had a way to LEGALLY do it, I could have made a mint with my ideas gleaned from research and papers I have read by scientists...

So if I am just this little one person (a dummy) and these folks have been established for sooooo long and have the money and the means... WHY in the hell is it ONLY about the HIGH???

I WANNA KNOW! Cause it is looking like outright idiocy and GREED for them to be screaming about 'prices'!!!

And that my friends is my two cents on the matter.:reading420magazine::hmmmm:

Well first off... I dont think that you coming in here calling anyone stupid and putting people down is going to solve anything.

Second, you talked about this 10% and the growers in Humbolt being stupid for not using the plant to its potential. Well... in case you live in another country, here in the US, the growing of cannabis is illegal, unless its for medical use. And medical growers are limited to the amount of plants they can produce. I've thought about the fibers... I've though about the seeds and the oils, but where's the market for that?? Seriously. How many manufacturers do you know of who use hemp and hemp seed for what they make?? There's close to none. The ones that are around have there hemp imported. So even if a grower want to use the plant for its full potential, we wouldnt be able too because we dont have anyone that will buy it. Weed on the other hand... the stuff that gets you HIGH, is what there is a market for. Its easy to sell and there's a big market for it. Not so much on the other hand.

You being close to 60 years old, should know something like that and shouldnt be so furious over it to the point where you come in here putting people down.

As far as marijuana becoming Legal... sure... growers all over the place can form a little alliance and go in it together... but then how do you do that?? Do you split the money between 500-1000 growers?? What if one grower does way more then the other?? What do you do then??

If you set your anger aside for a second, you will see that major corporations are going to strip this from the hands of the smaller growers. Large corps will put millions into advertising and take the market by storm. Read my other post here if you care to hear things from a different perspective. Its not about prices falling... its about losing what we all love to do and weed going into the hands of the government. If weed becomes legal.... prices can drop and we'll all make up for it in quantity. So lower prices really wont make a difference. Its just when Corporate America takes it over and dominates the market, leaving us with a whole bunch of equipment that we can no longer afford to run.
And???? Why should'nt someone who is working be able to provide for himself as long as he is not ripping off people... how about the fact that congress and the new prez paid off the banks who put them in power with the bail out money????

How many people have jobs because of this new industry??? Lots

How many might be lost with legalization???? lots

I am afraid of big corporations destroying this industry. Basics of econ. is... it is the small business's that fuel this country not corporations.

I for one am undicided on this issue. I would love it to be legalized to help people but hate the corporate world that may come in and destroy everything.

I totally agree with you Ganja. If you work hard and take risk... then I think the guy deserves it. In business period, there's risks involved. When dealing with marijuana.... there are WAY more risks involved. So if the guy made a good life for himself, then more power to him. He deserves it.

...And to tell you the truth.. salt water pools and private school for the kids doesnt really show wealth. Now if you were to tell me that the guy had a bowling alley, his own a club and movie theater in his house, along with 20 exotic cars and a helicopter and landing pad in his back yard... then that would be a different story, but I know personal accountants that have more then everything you just listed.
Now who isn`t living in the real world? Hey I don`t live in Humbolt County and even I can see this wouldn`t work! Maybe with industrial hemp grown in large fields, but with people here and there all over the mountains with patches of 200-300 plants in greenhouses? never going to be economic enough.

Haha... well its good to know that I wasnt the only one that didnt agree with Lofryhash's post.

He must be smoking some Angry weed or something.
As far as some of these bills are going we are atleast looking at 50.00 an ounce in taxes.
Like cigarette taxes, Californians will be paying a "sin" tax to toke. The reason legalization is being put on the ballot is not to give more freedom to the individual or even to cut enforcement costs. It's being considered because bureaucrats need to keep collecting a paycheck.
Like cigarette taxes, Californians will be paying a "sin" tax to toke. The reason legalization is being put on the ballot is not to give more freedom to the individual or even to cut enforcement costs. It's being considered because bureaucrats need to keep collecting a paycheck.

You hit the nail on the head right there. It is not to help people like everyone thinks it will. It is again so people can line there pockets with cash and kill the mom and pop grows. You watch and see... this is a big nightmare and people need to rethink some of these initiatives. They just need to Decriminalize it and leave everyone alone and alow the counties and cities to tax as they see fit.
Fellow med peeps- Consider the following:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The "Legalize marijuana for adult use and tax it" raises more questions:

I admit I struggle with my feelings on this topic. However, if cannabis
were outright legalized for everybody 21 and over, I don't think society would like
the results. Right now, it's socially acceptable - only as a medicine, even
if only for minute personal reasons. Right now, a doctor stands between
that patient and his/her medication and can answer questions and monitor the
patient's well being over time. Take away "medical cannabis" and out goes
all of the education behind cannabis. Right now there are many cannabis
organizations out there who are funded by "people who want it legalized"- these
organizations are currently educating many people on this important
topic. However, once cannabis is legalized for general adult use, all of these
educational organizations and their funding will likely disappear. First the education
and information will disappear, followed by the quality of medicine, as more and more big
producers shut out the small cultivators. Have you been to Amsterdam? Presently, people
still, for the most part, smoke in the shadows and respect the fact that the current Dutch
policy towards cannabis regulation and control is a working social experiment. We don't
want to get it wrong when we still have so much further to go. Why aren't people screaming
to legalize hemp? That would make so much more sense.

The Green Cross supports decriminalization, and approves and defends
personal choice for all Californians. In addition, The Green Cross opposes
any legislation, rule or regulation that aims to limit or restrict, in any
way, an individual's right to grow cannabis. Nevertheless, The Green Cross has
been, and continues to be, adamant that cannabis is medicine, and should be
used under a doctor's supervision and with a doctor's recommendation.
Cannabis must be used responsibly, and some in the medical community are
concerned that the recent push for adult-use legalization could adversely
affect patients and demean medical use.

Medical Cannabis Dispensaries are taxed at the state and local level, through sales tax,
payroll or gross receipts tax, and income tax. Levying higher taxes, like those resulting
from the Oakland measure, will result in higher prices for patients. Collectives must be
run as non-profits, so any increase in their taxes requires cuts in patients' services and/or
increases in patients' prices. Proponents say these taxes are a way to help legitimize and
justify general adult use. However, such a sin tax only works to punish patients, the only
members of the California adult population who currently are allowed to purchase cannabis legally.

Punishing patients to gain social acceptance of a rushed unproven experiment involving general
adult use is irresponsible and unfair. The medical community has worked hard to fight for the
rights of patients and caretakers. I still stand by what I have said many times before: "this
frantic, 'we need money, legalize now' movement may totally derail what we have been tirelessly
working for during the last thirteen years. Proponents of legalization run the risk that people
may not like what they see, and if the legalization-for-all social experiment fails, it could bring
the medical cannabis movement down with it."

Kevin Reed, President

The Green Cross
its still going to be a slow and long process. I know Im looking forward to November when we vote on legalization and regulation. if it does pass and becomes legal, the regulation is what will hurt everyone then. You can count on the fact that they will regulate the hell out of what is made legal that it will only be a small victory. Don't get me wrong, it will be a huge step, but still that huge step is just the beginning in new battles to come. The next step will be lifting the many restrictions and regulatory hurdles. Instead of hearing about people getting arrested for growing marijuana, they will be areested for being out of compliance with the regulatory side of the new laws that we will still be working the bugs out of. Another point is, the equipment ( correct, quality equipment) is not cheap, it take a lot of "time" to learn to grow, grow, harvest, pay PG and E, and grow again. it takes a lot of patience. I think most people that try and after their first spider mite infestation or bud mold or powdery mold problem, they will give up, sell their equipment on ebay, take that money and go back to their contact and realize growingvis not for everyone and there is a reason its not cheap.
Fellow med peeps- Consider the following:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The "Legalize marijuana for adult use and tax it" raises more questions:

I admit I struggle with my feelings on this topic. However, if cannabis
were outright legalized for everybody 21 and over, I don't think society would like
the results. Right now, it's socially acceptable - only as a medicine, even
if only for minute personal reasons. Right now, a doctor stands between
that patient and his/her medication and can answer questions and monitor the
patient's well being over time. Take away "medical cannabis" and out goes
all of the education behind cannabis. Right now there are many cannabis
organizations out there who are funded by "people who want it legalized"- these
organizations are currently educating many people on this important
topic. However, once cannabis is legalized for general adult use, all of these
educational organizations and their funding will likely disappear. First the education
and information will disappear, followed by the quality of medicine, as more and more big
producers shut out the small cultivators. Have you been to Amsterdam? Presently, people
still, for the most part, smoke in the shadows and respect the fact that the current Dutch
policy towards cannabis regulation and control is a working social experiment. We don't
want to get it wrong when we still have so much further to go. Why aren't people screaming
to legalize hemp? That would make so much more sense.

The Green Cross supports decriminalization, and approves and defends
personal choice for all Californians. In addition, The Green Cross opposes
any legislation, rule or regulation that aims to limit or restrict, in any
way, an individual's right to grow cannabis. Nevertheless, The Green Cross has
been, and continues to be, adamant that cannabis is medicine, and should be
used under a doctor's supervision and with a doctor's recommendation.
Cannabis must be used responsibly, and some in the medical community are
concerned that the recent push for adult-use legalization could adversely
affect patients and demean medical use.

Medical Cannabis Dispensaries are taxed at the state and local level, through sales tax,
payroll or gross receipts tax, and income tax. Levying higher taxes, like those resulting
from the Oakland measure, will result in higher prices for patients. Collectives must be
run as non-profits, so any increase in their taxes requires cuts in patients' services and/or
increases in patients' prices. Proponents say these taxes are a way to help legitimize and
justify general adult use. However, such a sin tax only works to punish patients, the only
members of the California adult population who currently are allowed to purchase cannabis legally.

Punishing patients to gain social acceptance of a rushed unproven experiment involving general
adult use is irresponsible and unfair. The medical community has worked hard to fight for the
rights of patients and caretakers. I still stand by what I have said many times before: "this
frantic, 'we need money, legalize now' movement may totally derail what we have been tirelessly
working for during the last thirteen years. Proponents of legalization run the risk that people
may not like what they see, and if the legalization-for-all social experiment fails, it could bring
the medical cannabis movement down with it."

Kevin Reed, President

The Green Cross

I agree with the last paragraph the most here.

As for the rest, there's some holes in it. Like losing funded research of marijuana. Sure, we will lose some of the funded research that is going on right now with cannabis, but at the same time, we'll pick up others. To sell to the public, every single chemical in marijuana has to be known. So while a few current research centers will be shut down, many more will open it there place.

I think that marijuana will no longer be looked at for its medical properties, the same way that alcohol was. Drinking a glass of wine per day will add more years onto your life than regular exercise will. A lot of people laugh at that, and if they dont laugh, they'll probably be in disbelief, but its true. Alcohol has medical benefits to it, but only if used in moderation. No one looks at alcohol as a beneficial drug. Unless of course your trying to drink away a divorce or a death, but even that is just temporary. Alcohol does have medical uses, but there isnt much research on that. The same thing will happen to marijuana, when it comes to its medical uses.
Considering that the owner of [a collective] made enough cash by selling marijuana to spend 3 weeks in Europe I think he should have paid his debt to California which is in excess of a half a million dollars.
How do you feel about being shorted on gas or marijuana?
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