Munchiless weed?


New Member
I'm a big fan of sativa highs. Was wonderin, with all the genius growers out there experimenting(thank you all!), is anyone working on a strain that doesn't give you mad munchies. Geezuz I love the bud but I turn into the freakin wolf man when it comes to the sweet cravings. Would love to find an indoor strain with a great sativa high that doesn't make me wanna dive into the sugar bowl. So what's happening out there?
haha that would be cool. I get the same way but alot of it is mental. You gotta stop thinkin bout it lol as hard as it sounds sometimes. I have some bud that made my stomach feel like a bottomless pit hah
I think it causes a drop in blood sugar though I don't know that. I normally eat no sugar at all, never even think about candy. I effin smoke and it's like a madness! Comeon you genetic manipulators, someone's gotta be workin on this...I'm gettin fat!
best way I've found to handle it is to eat something high in protien. (I like string cheese myself.. hehe) Usually stops the munchies dead in their tracks..

The worst thing to do is drink a soda.... ohh man... Game's over then.. pop-tarts be afraid... be very afraid.. Muh Haa Haa Haa...

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