My little ritual


Well-Known Member
For my first grow, I was convinced I needed to flush the soil. I had also heard of bud washing so I waited until I saw a few amber trichs and set them out in the rain. After that I out the plants abck inside and waited about 48 hours and cut them down. These were Lebanese landrace plants grown in a light would mix with very few nutrients. Yield was small but the smoke was great, not harsh, and gave a good high. My next plant was a skunk and I did her the same way. I had similar results. This time I over fertilizer my soil and burns some leaves. My plant was an Island sweet skunk. She suffered and I wound up adding a mix of powder fertilizer in water to correct a nute lock out. She did better after that but we were about six weeks into flower. I haven't given her anything for 10 days. She has shown no more leaf issues and is about 20% amber trichomes. I set her out in the rain last night. It was a slow rain and she got washed and soaked. I set her in front of the air conditioning unit this morning and dried her out. Do I need to wait a couple of days like I usually do or should I just cut her down?
Personally I would not have put my plant out in the rain. My indoor tent is super clean so washing buds seems an unnecessary step to me. Outdoor ill be doing a full 3 stage wash with h202 and 2 rinse stages is my basic plan to wash dirt bugs and kill and mold or mildew. I was thinking about bringing some outdoor indoors to dry but changed my mind not worth the risk of contamination. Just my 2cents from the cheap seats!!
Yea well my closet is not so clean, I let spiders roam free so I have no bugs. Also I did a foliar spray on neighboring plants and such. Plus these plants were outdoor until we had a Midwest monsoon and two weeks of solid rain everday. So my indoor is outdoor and vice versa. I just brought them in a few weeks back.
Based on that info Id be inclined to wash them via rain and let them dry naturally before harvest or wash em as you harvest either way would make sense to me.
So cut her now? Or wait as I usually do? What effect does my sitting the plants in water for 48 hours have in the buds? any scientist in the house?

Your original question
“I had also heard of bud washing so I waited until I saw a few amber trichs and set them out in the rain. After that I out the plants abck inside and waited about 48 hours and cut them down.”

Sorry Im losing track here. Who said anything about plants sitting in water for 48hrs. Water curing is a whole other curing process I was referring to washing in preparation of hang drying buds. Which you originally mentioned. Id let the plant dry naturally after being in the rain for 48hrs rather than cut it soaking wet. Hope this helps if not maybe im confused lol Happy 420!!
Ah yes soil flushing I believe is relevant and there are many opinions both for and against flushing. I personally flush at most a week or few days before harvest. Theres also thoughts that placing your plants in total darkness for 48hrs or so before harvest somehow improves quality. I dont have scientific proof for either claim though if it works for you I would stick to it. If you search the forums a bit youll find the info I read to draw my conclusions from. Im sure others will share their opinions on the subject for your consideration aswell.
After the wash, shake them off an hang in your drying space. I’ve used Lemon juice and baking soda mixed with water in 5 gal. Buckets. I don’t use the word wash as much as swirl the buds around in the bucket to clean. I rinse off in second 5 gal.( Using the same swirling motion) Bucket with plain water this takes care of pollen,dirt,birds shit and bugs dead or alive. Growers Luv
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