Found a plant that I missed Dec 18!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I could give you a 1000 reasons why I may have missed plucking this girl in late Oct but I really don't know how I missed her lol. So I found this girl all alone in an open farming field that has not been worked in many years where she was put in this spring. There she was standing all dried up and leaves and bud still on all the stems. Not sure how the deer missed her lol . Now we have had lots of snow, rain, and temps between 5c to -20c.

So I pluck her and brought her home to the wife saying look I bought you flowers! I don't partake but she does. I was going to throw her out but she wanted to try it. (against my wishes) Just worried about dried mold or something like that.

After lighting her up she thought it was very good??????? So now I am thinking all the work that I put into the other stuff drying in perfect conditions, curring in perfect conditions, vacuum sealing the jars and babying them! Maybe nature does take care of its own???

Anyways not sure what the moral of the story is but I thought I would share it!

Sorry if I wasn't so happy/disappointed in finding her I would have taken pictures.
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