Needs to vent


New Member
Things havnt been so good for me. Ha. About a month and 2 weeks ago or so I left my parents house. I got in a fight with my brother which made my mom freak out on me, and I just let it out and told her how being in that house makes me depressed. It would cause so much stress and I could never get anything done.

Now I live with my girlfriend who is 22 now and our room mate Lisa who is about 47. Both my girlfriend and Lisa have a tremendous amount of medical problems leaving me to be the one to take care of them. Simple things like taking the dog out, garbage, cleaning, ect.

They also are both extreme medical marijuana users in the sense that they need to smoke alot to maintain the pain that they have. They both have Fibromyalgia and Lisa has arthritis, my girlfriend has Kidney stones, it's just...Overwhelming.

I no longer have "Me time" to do things like work on computers or xbox's, play games, ect.

I actually traded my 360 for weed for the two of them because I care about my girlfriend that much.

Everyone who lives here is unemployed. Lisa receives some disability and my GF Jessica gets some unemployment. We get about 95 bucks a week in unemployment. We pay 300 a month for rent, That leaves us 80 a month for groceries and everything else.

I've been applying like CRAZY here in Eugene, Oregon but as we are in a recession, Its nearly impossible to get a job as a student in Highschool and being 18.

I make some money online doing surveys and i've been trying out drop shipping on Ebay but so far i've only made 30 bucks. Thats all i've made on Ebay. I've made about 20 bucks doing surveys but I mean come on......

I just needed to vent and release my stress and situation
Re: Needs to vent.

If you just graduated, that can be looked at as a plus - your lack of experience is easily explainable.

Hideaway Bakery needs a mixer.
Grace Manor needs a housekeeper
Sharis of Santa Clara needs a cook and dishwasher
Downtown Athletic Club needs a juice bar attendant
Solvang needs a dishwasher

Lots of stuff listed on your local Craigslist. They say that more than half of employers still don't bother to advertise other than placing a sign on their window/door.

Good luck.

When all else fails, hit the bricks and start knocking on people's doors asking if they'll pay you to mow/weedeat/etc. their lawns. (It kept me from starving a couple of times.) It's not real fun - but it tends to pay above minimum wage when you figure out the time it takes to do a job. If you do a good job you tend to get asked if you can make it a regular thing and enough of those will ease the rough times in between "real jobs." Not to mention that the same people will probably ask you if you shovel sidewalks/driveways in the winter too.

And don't just drop off resumes/applications and wait for the people to call you. They often do - but the guy who comes back and asks, "Hello sir, I turned in an application a few days ago and I was wondering if you'd had a chance to look at it yet?" not only has a chance to catch the employer when he's in a bind because another person quit/got fired/called off, it's also more likely that the employer, when going through the applications to call people, remembers that YOU came in and therefore actually wants the job.
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