New at this need help

I keep my LED 24 - 36 inches from the plant - depneding on the strain and age etc - I wouldnt go closer that 24 though :) - Its a good start to see what your plants like - IMHO and from what i have experienced the younger the plant the farther i keep it away by time they are older i am pretty close to 24 inches - but again every light is different as well as every strain :) Hope this helps some :)

PS my LED is a 270w of power
my light is technically 400 w equivalent per manufacturer but only draws 270
Ok here is mine is it 400w??
So after trying to look it up say it 90w is it get enough?

ehh..... it will work just might not get very dense buds, but it will work and they will grow - I have 270 watts and i want more light already lol

but LED lights are expensive :(......
Yea agreed on they are expensive and this is just a start I have no money in it so it's not to bad I rekon lol

oh wow kudos to you for a great start then!! lol

thats awesome - free is the best lol
Yep yep thanks everyone for all the help will be posting again soon on how she is but for now now the waiting game
Finally switched back to veg cycle got to wait on getting new soil and ferts due to totaling out vehicle so be around 2-3 weeks to give new stuff to her think she will be ok??
u CAN clone a plant that has started flowering i just believe it takes longer for them to root!
Ok great waiting on her to branch and get bigger and after soil change in couple weeks and I'm going to clone her will keep updated thx for the info everyone.
looking good.. i would pull some of those fan leaves off to get better light penetration going .
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