New to Here


New Member
Hi everyone,
I am new to all of this. For years I have struggled with ADD and also Bipolar disorder. I have been on so many meds throughout my life, its not funny. I hate what this stuff has done to my liver, so its time to try something else. I live in the great state of California. Its legal and not legal at the same time. No common sense. Anyways, I want to take care of my own needs and I am not very sure where to start at this. I have an idea of what I need to do, but not how to take care of it once I begin the process with seeds. Yes I need guidance and help. Please pour on your input and fill me in.

Thank you. There is a lot of information to digest, however I believe that I can handle it. Of course if I need guidance, I will ask.

Hi evalek,

Welcome to the 420 Magazine site and community of members that gathers here. I know you'll find the site to be an invaluable resource as you undertake your first grow.

In addition to the links to information Ricorico provided, I wanted to share a feature of the site that I have found beneficial. There is a search function located under the "Forums" tab at the top left of the screen. Any time I see a word or concept discussed with which I'm not familiar this feature will locate every instance of the word within all the various threads and journals. There is also a "Search Thread" option in the gray bar located just above the first entry within any journal. So if your "search" returns a thread or journal that is 50 pages long, you can search within just that journal for all instances.

Let us know if you have any specific questions and don't get discouraged that there is a lot to learn about growing cannabis. It can seem a little daunting at first read.

Be well and happy growing.
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