Npk burn


Well-Known Member
So i know nitrogen can burn a plant, but can potassium or phosphorus burn a plant? Any plant. is just weed. For example, if i have a fertilizer thats low in nitrogen, for example 5 6 8, can i use it on any plant as in "the real thing is better but it's better than nothing"?
Yes, excesses of any of them will cause burn, as will some deficiencies. Excesses can also lock out other nutrients. Google Jorge Cervantes 'Cannabis Nutrient Deficiencies and Excesses.' It's an excellent chart for diagnosing nutrient problems, and will tell you what else can go wrong if a nutrient is out of balance.
Too much of anything usually isn't a good thing.

Well too much love might be an exception I could deal with.

Cannabis actually doesn't require a lot of Nitrogen. They like Calcium a lot more.

Cannabis will use N when growing in VEG and stretch when plant building.

Providing N in flower the plants will grow a lot of leaves or bigger leaves so not really what we are looking for unless you're growing hemp.
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