Nutes in water jug


New Member
First off, I use FF Tiger Bloom 1/4 strength and FF Big Bloom 1/2 strength mixed in with a gallon of distilled water when flowering. But this last time I was watering I went and checked on the nute jug and there was a bunch of crap floating around in it. I'm not sure if it's because Big Bloom is organic or something else.

Has this happened to anyone else and is it harmful?

Thanks everyone!
Well describe junk, is it same color of the rest of the contents in the jug or is it bacteria algae? Your jug is kept in the dark right, because u have very fertile ingredient that any unwanted bacteria would love to thrive in.
If you are storing it correctly then its just a side effect of the non anti coagulant in the organics nutes you have.
Try shaking vigorously prior to every use to disburse the "junk" if this fails to disburse it then i would try to make smaller batches for watering.
"I am tired of living in a society that chastises me for using drugs, while everyone doing the chastising has a cigarette in one hand, and a bottle of Jack Daniel's in the other."

lol..OR just took there anti-depressant that morning after giving there kid Or rather take a blood pressure pill then go to the gym..Sorry i used to work in a
Big Bloom has solids in it that don't dissolve, you have to keep it shaken up. I always shake up my BB bottle before measuring out nutes for the day.

The solids settle out fairly quickly.
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