on a positive note :)


New Member
hi again everybody,

ziggy here and back on a bi-polar mood swing I'm in a great mood now cause my gf just woke up and comforted me, its amazing how much one person being in your life can really help. now onto marijuana my favorite subject in high school up to this day except back then we smoked it in the bathroom. just as a way to open every body up whats the funniest way you've tried (and failed) to grow pot....for me it would have to be i grew 4 plants in my closet but was constantly smoking and was not medicated in anyway shape or form (except swag weed) because i was undiagnosed for my schizophrenia at that point. and we all know the feeling some "dirt pack mexican garbage" weed can give you....i pretty much snapped one night and thought the cat was working for the D.E.A i even hallucinated (because i am schizophrenic not because of marijuana) that the cats eyes closed like a camera lens does smashed every phone in my house, broke every mirror to see if cameras were in them, and then ended up waking up in the shower butt naked surrounded in broken pieces of mirror glass and my cell phone ringing (in the shower with me) along with four mature almost ready to flower plants sticking out of my toilet. i answered the phone and it was my gf at the time and she said "hey hun, how are you doing?" and i spazzed cause i thought she was cheating on me at the time (probaly was, she was a skank) and i responded what are you doing off fucking some dude at the theater again? (it wasn't going anywhere anyway) so i threw my phone at the shower wall and it smashed into a million pieces...i had well....actually more like 7 plants cause i forgot bout the two seedlings in hydro buckets in my closet anyway before this i had punched my brother in the forehead because he threatened if i didn't calm down he'd call the cops (which is not something you do to me it doesn't end well, can you tell i have a wee bit bi-polar?) so he of course called the cops and when i heard the door bell ring i came out of the shower covered in my own blood cause i had been recently shattering mirrors all over my house so i had a few knicks and gashes all up my arms an legs. i was wrapped up in a towl of course cause hey even when your going through a complete mental freak out cause people have treated you like shit your entire life and beat you down mentally and emotionally not to mention your schizophrenia is coming to a huge head, like a giant zit. (of course my mom and the drs put the blame all on cannabis, even though studies show cannabis does not cause schizophrenia) add on top the fact i may be going to jail (or so i thought) at that point because of the organic and hydro lab in my closet boy oh boy, i know its nothing big but when your 17 and got all them buds coming in you feel like the walter white of your neighbor hood :) so the cops ring the door bell and they see me covered in blood and look at me like i got two heads.....the first officer says "we got a call from this dress?" and i responded with "get the fuck off my porch" needless to say this is way back before my state even considered legalization for medicinal purposes and the cop kicked my door in and when he walked in, in my insanity the first thing i decided to do was throw the towel to the side and run around my house butt naked screaming " I'm sorry i grew the pot!" and this entire time i thought the cops were chasing me they just looked at each other and then looked at me and said....."where's the pot?" so i told them in my closet but somehow in the meantime either my brothers, a angel, or the big man upstairs had snagged the plants in the toilet and tossed em over the fence or into the trash or somewhere! the only thing they found was some empty buckets of soil and two seedlings in my closet....which they pretty much plucked an threw in my own trash. i went to the hospital i got medicated got out of the hospital 11 days later on a shit ton of multi-colored pharmys and the cops never mentioned the pot it was never in my case file nothing, even if they did find the big plants they most likely just shot em in the trash too.....and that folks is how you become a schizophrenic on paperwork :) the moral of the story I've been using 95.0% kind bud from then on and its never gave me trouble the only time i have trouble is when i drink (recovering alcoholic) the moral of the story just knowing that after my current court issues are over my mistress mary jane will still be waiting for me but for now I'm stressed an trying to deal with but until then i got cbd for my anxiety and hopefully i won't be getting piss tested :) any other funny stories?
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