Over or under watered


Well-Known Member
13 days old
2 gallon pot
Drainage system
I don't water till it drips thinking that's to much water for the 13 day old being in a 2 gallon pot but I fell like I'm still over doing it the soil was near dry when I poked in it tho after one day under a 5000k cfl
Any thoughts?


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Hey there! Seedling looks healthy to me. I would suggest starting in a much smaller pot! Lots of people use little plastic beer cups, then transplant once done the seedling stage. It will be tough to get a proper wet/dry water cycle with a small plant in large container.

But looks good! If all the soil dries up in one day you could use a bit more water.. just make sure it's dry, and not just one inch of dry soil.

Click this user name, @Emilya , and find her signature from any post. She has a "How to water potted plants" article that you will likely find helpful! Good luck :)

There. Even easier lol. Just remember at beginning of article she is talking about a well grown plant. You will of course not be giving your seedling quarts of water at a time :)
I have found hers just have not read all the way into it yet keep getting caught up when I start reading it lmao by my kids love to take the phone and it began it a solo cup to start so it can start to root up have been in the big pot for 2 days now thanks for the advice tho next round of plants I'll keep them in a solo cup for the whole seedling stage. I have just seen I have allot of little mint looking bugs in my soil sould I worry about them or no just did a 20 min time lapse and seen them moving around.
And that's good you started in a smaller cup! Yea, I'd say transplanting was a little early this time, but shouldn't be a big deal.

Here were my last seedlings just before transplant. About 2 days after this pic they all showed bad signs of needing to be up-potted. So would say this was almost too long..

Ooh possibly.. Luckily I haven't dealt with bugs yet. ..So don't have much knowledge.

If it's possible, I'd try getting a pic of one, and someone should be able to identify if it's anything to worry about. Might be too small without magnification would guess tho?
I'll try to get something on the bugs and how old where your baby's in the pic
Hard to tell from that.
The shape and color looks like maybe Thrips or Root Aphids.
Hydrogen Peroxide should probably take care of them.

Could be the bugs that has stunted its growth, should be about 10x that size at 2 weeks.
I hope it's not an autoflower.
Ok thanks I'll mix 1 part HP next water I heard to much will kill your plants this is it as of today


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