Pests early flower


Active Member
Hi all, indoor tent grower here.
Today I did a big defoliation and while inspecting the leaves, I found a few odd things.
Picture 1&2: brown stuff, eggs of sorts?
Picture 3: sappy stuff
Picture 4,5&6: this actually has me amazed, a TINY snail shell and 2 tiny slugs crawling around VERY slowly, I actually had to watch it for about a minute to tell it was actually moving.
What is my best option here? Thanks in advance.






Due to power issues a couple weeks back, my ladies had to spend a day outside and I was afraid of bringing pests back in...
Due to power issues a couple weeks back, my ladies had to spend a day outside and I was afraid of bringing pests back in...
One day? And look what moved onto the plant like they belonged there.

I think that the longest power outage we have had here lasted just under 3 days and I left the plants in the basement as a way of avoiding unwanted guests.
Thanks i will continue to monitor as close as I can. Moving them outside for abit wasn't my ideal option but they had sat in my enclosed tent @ 100% RH for half a day before I got home and noticed the power issue. The entire tent was soaked like I had sprayed a hose in there. I moved them outside in the breeze while power was being fixed.
Keep finding these little suckers scattered around the plants... I've found a couple damaged leaves, im assuming they've been munched on but only finding a few of these things around i wouldn't think they could do that much damage.. any other suggestions or just ride it out and keep picking off whatever I can see?
Plants looking healthy otherwise



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