PH PPM temp meters which one?


New Member
hey guys i'm looking for a wall mount PH/PPM/temp meter but there are so many out there... I had a hanna a long time ago and remember paying alot for it.. and i'm trying to avoid paying that amount again.. but seen many on ebay for alot less but they are no name brands.. Has anyone tried them?
Re: PH PPM temp meters which one??

The only thing about no-name brands is the warranty. I'm not saying ALL of them won't be good; what I'm saying is brand names tend to be better on warranties etc. because their name is on the line. A no name brand has nothing to lose.

Here's a good 24/7 meter

We also have the Hanna ones and some others. You can use the coupon code to get an additional 5% of your order. Plus you can find us easily as I'm always on the forums ;)
Re: PH PPM temp meters which one??

I bought a no name brand continuous use model. Have been using it for about 3 weeks with no issues. I have to calibrate it every week and it seems to need some tweaking each time. ( not sure if that's typical With the expensive name brand models too)
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