Plant was dying, revived, then fell out the pot and still show signs of new growth


New Member
Ok, I'm a first time grower and been having trouble the moment I started feeding nutrients to plant. I think I've learned a few things along the way and have gotten my plant back on track. Still I'm having trouble understanding why the vegetation growth is sooo slow. My plant started dying after nutrients so I cut all dying/dead leaves off took plant out of pot brushed off as much of my original miracle gro potting mix and replanted in Fox farms ocean potting soil. Plant started showing signs of recovery. Thenwe started having cloudy/rainy days for lime a week straight and I was getting no sunlight so I moved plant indoors under a common cfl household lightbulb(26w) I believe but to get plant close enough to the light I propped it up on some stackable ish(bad idea). Plant fell over and out of the pot/dirt. Still I picked everything back up replanted again and yes again stem regained strength and is very react. BUT! The two branches or nodes or whatever they called that I left from all the trimming of dead leaves are still the only fan leaves I hand now and the new growth is just antagonizing with its non-rapid vegetation. I mean the two huge fan leaves are just enormous and all the new growth is very small and slowly emerging. Gonna post pics but need to understand after all that has happened what are my options to speed this thing up. Oh I'm growing in a 5gal pot outdoors on a patio. in
Re: Plant was dying, revived, then fell out the pot, and still show signs of new grow

Re: Plant was dying, revived, then fell out the pot, and still show signs of new grow

Welcome to :420: CreioDejinero

Give her time mate, a small plant in a 5 gal pot will put most of its energy into growing roots. Once the roots take up space in the pot, she will take off like a rocket :)
Re: Plant was dying, revived, then fell out the pot, and still show signs of new grow

Geez, that plant has quite the backstory. It sounds like it's been knocked around a bit, but it'll probably come back strong given the proper conditions. Little plants get slowed down by stuff like that, but it helps them to harden off and to be able handle more stress with ease in the long run.
Re: Plant was dying, revived, then fell out the pot, and still show signs of new grow

3-4 months from now that thing will be all over the place with the right topping.
Re: Plant was dying, revived, then fell out the pot and still show signs of new growt

Yeah buddy, looks like #thecelt was right I see root tips peaking out the bottom drain holes, and plant is growing pretty rapidly now. I'm feeling a whole lot better and confident to succeed at this first grow. Now, I am only concerned about the roots cause they are trying to grow out the bottom but can't. I believe the very top of roots are lightly browned and may be trying to curl back up through soil. Should I take any drastic measures or let them self prune themselves as I seen in some other posts? Oh and another concern is the upper part of plant(well seems to be new upper part every other day) lol is growing fast, but near the soil the tiny stems and leaves are staying small and not really growing like the rest of plant. Gotta be light right? Gonna post pics
Re: Plant was dying, revived, then fell out the pot and still show signs of new growt

Morning Crieo

Don't worry about the root tips or the lower limbs. The tips will prune themselves and actually grow lateral shoots that go off in other directions, this is a good thing giving you a bigger root mass which in turn means a bigger plant :) as for the lower limbs, they often stay small, even with my monster girls outside, when they stay small like that and are receiving little light, I prune them off when they go into flower :)
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