Portugal proves that Decriminalization Works


New Member
The issue of decriminalizing marijuana in California this November is a hot topic that has impacts outside the borders of California and even outside the borders of the USA. Mexico’s president has been recently quoted as saying that decriminalization in California is not responsible. California, being the world’s 8th largest economy draws world attention. Many eyes are going to be on this coming election and the impacts of proposition 19 passing.

Portugal decriminalized all illicit drugs in 2001 and the effects are dramatic. Deaths from drug overdose and infections to HIV have dropped and continue to drop. Drug use has dropped and Portugal has not become a drug tourist destination. The focus has been placed on treatment instead of incarceration. Portugal has proven that the USA’s war on drugs is the incorrect approach. Spain, Italy and Mexico have all adopted this approach and the results are yet to be seen.

The basic principle that an adult should be allowed to do with his or her body, as he or she sees fit, is an important fundamental that all governments should abide.
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