Post-exercize joint


New Member
I just smoked a joint right after a 20 minute run around my neighborhood, and I'm convinced that I got a higher-quality high than I would have had I not gone for a run. Has anyone else experienced this?
yes, exercising before tokin up gives a natural high in the first place.
I have noticed this before because sometimes i like going for walks up to new places then smoking. Its different i like it.
I will do cardio high, because you do get the natural rush which adds to the high quite nicely. But if I go for more then 30-45 minutes my high is usually gone. If I hadn't exercised, I would still have a little buzz.

I wont lift while Im high. I've done it many times, but I wont push myself as far or as hard. So I prefer to lift sober. Completly. Get lifting out of the way, then I can have the first bowl of the day. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hell yeah! I run for 45 minutes (4 1/2 miles) as well as lifting weights after my run. After gulping down the gatorade, there's nothing better to heal my sore body than a joint. And yes, I think because your body is dehydrated, seeking nutrients, and full of oxygen deprivation, your would probably be more affected by the THC :)
Thepurplem0nkey said:
Hell yeah! I run for 45 minutes (4 1/2 miles) as well as lifting weights after my run. After gulping down the gatorade, there's nothing better to heal my sore body than a joint. And yes, I think because your body is dehydrated, seeking nutrients, and full of oxygen deprivation, your would probably be more affected by the THC :)

Yes. I also thought that perhaps the exercise detoxifys your body because there's a much greater volume of blood moving through the brain, which would lead to a more substantial high.
Well you release Endorphins while exercising amongst other things, and pot releases dopimean or something like that, so yah i bet the combo feelz good hehe.
You are one healthy blind man with big guns and knives bro.^
LMFAO, yup, indeed I am. I dont like being f'ed with and a key element to not being f'ed with is to be in top physical shape so to obviate (YES! GRE word finaly came in handy!) unwanted confrontation to begin with. Plus, my girl stays in top shape (she runs 7 freaking miles!!!!!) and I have to recipricate ;-) I love to run around my neighborhood but can only do that during certain hours of the day not convenient for me due to work. I joined the gym and run on the treadmill, it's actualy way safer for me plus I have all the weights I want. I get stares from the other treadmillers wondering what a dude is doing wearing sun goggles on the second floor of an indoor gym and my goggles fog so bad that I cant see anything through them by the end of my run. I always shut my eyes, remove the goggles, and clean them with my towel before moving on. They fog up repeatedly through my workouts. Its a real pain in the ass. But I just blast blast my mp3 player and I'm in the zone so I don't care ;-)
I've tried to work out while stoned. It's doable, but much more difficult! You REALLY feel the burn and strain on your muscles on pushups and lifting, which I actualy kind of like, but you also feel 10 pounds heavier for some reason and MUCH more sluggish. I also get a bit light headed and get the sensation that the air is thinner like at high altitude. It's just way more satisfying all around to save medicine for after physical training.
I will some a bowl before I workout sometimes. I find it increases my concentration and I get a better lift. At first it seemed like a bad idea, but then I tried to and found otherwise. The key is not to smoke to much. Idon't really know about smoking afterwards. I haven't noticed a big difference.
October_Rain said:
I just smoked a joint right after a 20 minute run around my neighborhood, and I'm convinced that I got a higher-quality high than I would have had I not gone for a run. Has anyone else experienced this?
Well when you run for that long your body releases endophins which are "reward" chemicals in your brain so I'd say what you are saying makes perfect sense.
Wow. I've smoked prior to working out, but I dont usually smoke right after. Just like to cool down, get showered and dressed before I hit the bowl.

Well today, I did my 30 minutes on the bike and decieded to go do my pushups in my room. Right after, I got up and was sitting in my computer chair, looking at my bong and thought 'what the hell, I will try it'.

The first hit, it was almost as intense as my first time smoking. I was blown away. :cheesygrinsmiley: :headbanger:
i love to get high after my workout. sometimes all i can think of while i'm at the gym is my reward after!! i come home strip out of my sweaty clothes and hit my bong. :winkyface:
Yea toking after working out is great. Me and my buddy from school we used to hit the gym and sauna then go back to my room to smoke a fat bowl as a reward to ourselves. I've never worked out while high though, I played basketball stoned quite a bit, and I actually played better somehow. I ran out of breath more but the shots were going in so it was cool.
JohnnyBlazed said:
Na, usually i can tell my muscles are gonna hurt after the gym. But ya, i smoke after every workout. Makes me feel better.:peace:

Thats a good idea!!

Yea I think I need to start smokin after workout not before...cause if I smoke before I don't get up and
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