Pot gives new veiw on the world

weed makes life, just a bit more enjoyable.. depending on the type of person you are! so smoke it up!! and see what u see
It is the message from the Plant People. Live life enjoy yourselves, watch the sunsets, why should you be depressed? Life is too damn short enjoy it while you have it. Having ceremony with the Plant People is a good way to connect with everything. We the two legs are new to THEIR world!! We are all related.
I think it might have been part of the group you started hanging out with after you started smoking, and not just the smoking. I do not know one toker who is in support of the war in Iraq and befor we get all "Henney Penny the sky is falling the sky is falling" the war on Iran. It was probibly more the views that they hold on issues that rubbed off on you, not that it is a bad thing at all. So long as you surround yourself with a good group.
Yes, I literally got new view of world. Didn't smoke for 18-yr. stretch and gradually found myself in deep depression. I think my happy receptors got burned out long ago and legal scripts are a joke for most of us. One day I said fukitol and lit up. The colors all around started slowly clicking into brighter and brighter colors until everything was radiating with glorious color that had somehow disappeared without my knowing it. Like veil after veil of grayness lifting away. Also, a great sadness was taken from my heart and has not come back. Viva la ganja. :tommy:
Yes, I literally got new view of world. Didn't smoke for 18-yr. stretch and gradually found myself in deep depression. I think my happy receptors got burned out long ago and legal scripts are a joke for most of us. One day I said fukitol and lit up. The colors all around started slowly clicking into brighter and brighter colors until everything was radiating with glorious color that had somehow disappeared without my knowing it. Like veil after veil of grayness lifting away. Also, a great sadness was taken from my heart and has not come back. Viva la ganja. :tommy:
I mean, no offense or anything, because i smoke pot, but.. this thread and these posts here..

"i used to beleive the government and then i started smoking pot and now i don't."

no wonder they wanna keep it illegal, if everyone sounded like that.
A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.
- Oliver Wendell Holme

Nuff said.
I didn't smoke for the last couple years of my high school career and found myself drinking waaay too much, getting angry fairly easily, and depressed a lot. Once I started smoking again...I became "chill" as I think we can all relate to. And I don't have to take many medications either which is always a blessing. I <3 Mary Jane.
i think alot of times in life you get caught up in alot of the shit that happens, and get tangled up in the little webs of circumstance etc.
to me smoking pot extracts me from whatever mindset/state of mind i'm in, and lets me perceive things from a 'enhanced' point of view i guess.

not to say that i think about shit suddenly in a new light while high. its more like a slow transitional thing when you smoke weed daily...
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