Prices where you live

The OBD is reopened! They didn't have any of the $1 gram C grade but they had plenty of B grade for $2 gram but I got the A grade for $3 it's pretty decent it's brick weed but I didn't see any seeds in it. After that the prices range from $15-$25 a gram for dank
16 a gram maybe more for some pretty dank stuff.
in vegas...
$70-1/2oz crappy mexican shite
$60 1/4ox mid highs
$100 1/4 dank
$125 1oz crappy mexican shite (I swear I found a CHICKEN FEATHER IN THERE!)
$400 1oz SUPER KIND.
dank is sually the same everywhere
but up here in Virginia mids cost alot, ie 1/4 for 50, as opposed to sth florida where one could get an ounce for 60-75
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