Proposed Medical Marijuana Law Has Many At Odds Over Pot

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
Police say the law that decriminalized small amounts of marijuana is toothless and ineffective as a tool for controlling drug use.

A 2008 ballot measure, known as Question 2, made possession of an ounce or less of the drug a civil crime, punished by a $100 fine.

The law does not include a penalty for not paying that fine, nor does it require a person to correctly identify him or herself.

"Question 2 as proposed and passed has quite a few flaws in it," said Wayne Sampson, executive director of the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police

Association, which opposed the ballot measure four years ago.
As a result, many officers said the fine is not always enforced. When it is, they said only some people pay it.

The 2008 ballot question was submitted as a citizen petition after marijuana legalization advocates gathered more than 100,000 signatures. It was passed overwhelmingly, by 63 percent of Massachusetts voters.

This year, citizens have submitted four more petitions, which would legalize medical marijuana. Those petitions are now before the Legislature.
Police say increasing access to the drug won't make enforcement any easier.

"The problem with medical marijuana is again, it's further opening up that door," Sampson said.
Local officers agreed.

"Our first reaction is one of caution," said Hudson Police Chief Richard Braga.

"If it's more available it would increase the usage of it," said Westborough Lt. Todd Minardi. That town issued 12 fines last year, according to police.
In the meantime, police said they are frustrated with the current law.

"When you have a law, you should have some means to require that a fine is paid," said Wayland Police Chief Robert Irving.

But Thomas Kiley, the attorney who wrote the 2008 measure, said his goal was a broad concept that voters could understand.

"I didn't write it to satisfy law enforcement," Kiley said. "I wrote it in the belief that the war on drugs, which has gone on for years, is an abject failure."

Marijuana legalization advocates said police should focus on more important issues.

"Should these municipalities really be spending time worrying about how these marijuana tickets are being filed?" asked Morgan Fox, a spokesperson for the Marijuana Policy Project, a group that helped pass the 2008 measure.

After 2008, several legislators tried to beef up the decriminalization law.
Rep. Cleon Turner, D-Dennis, who was a police officer for 14 years, filed an unsuccessful bill last term to plug the loopholes. He filed it again this session.


News Hawk - 420 Warrior 420 MAGAZINE
Location: Massachusetts
Source: MetroWest Daily News
Author: Laura Krantz
Copyright: © 2006-2012 GateHouse Media, Inc.
Cannabis is already "lawful."!!!!!

'Legalization' efforts, are well meaning, but misguided efforts to get the 'Corporation' (U.S.A.) to accept the PLANT as useful. I do not agree with "legalization" and subsequent regulation and taxation (taxes are both illegal and unlawful) of a natural plant that anybody can grow in their garden/yard.

It is dangerous to the quality and diversity of Cannabis to allow any STATE (corporation) to regulate, tax or otherwise be involved with it.

What needs to happen is de-regulation/de-criminalization. Just take it completely out of the greedy hands of privately owned foreign corporations (DEA, CIA, DOJ, USA, etc.). They have no business in my private affairs and use of natural substances which not only do no harm to anybody, but my body naturally produces its own cannabanoids, which are vital for the most basic metabolic functions.

Regardless of what they do, it is already and always will be LAWFUL for people to grow, possess and use any form of Cannabis or other substances they desire. Crime is only committed when one of more of the following are done: 1. willful harm is done to another, 2. willful destruction of property, or 3. willful dishonoring of a valid contract. Everything else outside of these 3 categories is just a violation of corporate policy falsely called 'law.'

If people want to be stupid and harm themselves with dangerous toxic chemicals, they should be treated for medical or psychological issues if at all. Jail is for people who are dangerous to others. :Namaste:
Personally, I like having a military to defend our country and many other things that our taxes allow us to have. And as far as no regulation, that is what we have now with a gangsta on every corner pushing to our children, kidnapping and using them in their organizations, and then killing them when they are used up. No thank you.

Common sense and rules must be applied for any civilized society to exist.
Besides the fact that the U.S. Military is spread so thin in many OTHER countries, they are hardly protecting THIS country by fighting in foreign lands...(they are however protecting the very lucrative Heroin/Opium trade in Afghanistan)... Perhaps doing some not so simple research and gaining some not so common knowledge about the system would reveal to you that ALL taxes paid to the STATE and FEDERAL Corporations (U.S.A., IRS, State Tax Boards, etc.) goes directly to the Federal Reserve Bank/IMF (privately owned foreign corporation) to pay the interest on the national debt.

Military salaries and budgets as well as all public services commonly attributed to "tax" money are in fact paid for with NEW DEBT NOTES or data entries into a bank account. The current "regulation" of prohibition only ensures that mafia type organizations (like CIA, DEA), gangs and drug lords are the ones who profit big and control a large part of the black market trade.

If prohibition was lifted (such as decriminalization) then anybody and everybody who wanted to, could grow it in their yard like tomatoes. It would hardly be profitable for gangs and there would not be a 'black market' as anybody could grow it. It would be a free-market, rather than a black-market.

Giving control over to the STATE(S) and corporations is the last thing we want. Even though some may disagree with that statement and my thoughts on "legalization", I'm telling you take a good look at the things greedy corporations are doing to the planet. Can you imagine GMO Cannabis? or patented Monsanto seeds. They would not only contaminate the gene pool (like they are doing with food crops) but diversity and quality would be compromised. You think prices of Cannabis are high now? what do you think corporations are going to do with it? It certainly won't be cheaper or more widely available. People would still need a "license" to grow, possess or use it, and no doubt they would selectively issue those licenses to big "donors"...
"Police say increasing access to the drug won’t make enforcement any easier."
lol- So...Just to be clear,.. We the People are giving you one less thing to worry about and your job is getting.... harder? To this I say WTF!??!... I call BS!
Besides the fact that the U.S. Military is spread so thin in many OTHER countries, they are hardly protecting THIS country by fighting in foreign lands...(they are however protecting the very lucrative Heroin/Opium trade in Afghanistan)... Perhaps doing some not so simple research and gaining some not so common knowledge about the system would reveal to you that ALL taxes paid to the STATE and FEDERAL Corporations (U.S.A., IRS, State Tax Boards, etc.) goes directly to the Federal Reserve Bank/IMF (privately owned foreign corporation) to pay the interest on the national debt.

Military salaries and budgets as well as all public services commonly attributed to "tax" money are in fact paid for with NEW DEBT NOTES or data entries into a bank account. The current "regulation" of prohibition only ensures that mafia type organizations (like CIA, DEA), gangs and drug lords are the ones who profit big and control a large part of the black market trade.

If prohibition was lifted (such as decriminalization) then anybody and everybody who wanted to, could grow it in their yard like tomatoes. It would hardly be profitable for gangs and there would not be a 'black market' as anybody could grow it. It would be a free-market, rather than a black-market.

Giving control over to the STATE(S) and corporations is the last thing we want. Even though some may disagree with that statement and my thoughts on "legalization", I'm telling you take a good look at the things greedy corporations are doing to the planet. Can you imagine GMO Cannabis? or patented Monsanto seeds. They would not only contaminate the gene pool (like they are doing with food crops) but diversity and quality would be compromised. You think prices of Cannabis are high now? what do you think corporations are going to do with it? It certainly won't be cheaper or more widely available. People would still need a "license" to grow, possess or use it, and no doubt they would selectively issue those licenses to big "donors"...
And despite all of that, it is still the greatest country in the world and the most successful form of government ever known to mankind.

The problem is that you, and others who think like this, NEVER bring forth anything other than negativity towards the people who have actually gotten off their ass and through hard work and sweat equity have given the citizens of Massachusetts, and thus the rest of the U.S., a step in the right direction toward ending prohibition and something for them to vote on. Are any of them perfect? Of course not, but the alternative is continued prohibition! Is that what you want, because that is all YOU have to offer? I do not believe the majority of citzens would support "Initiative: Do whatever the hell you want to with weed, and no taxes" or that it would even make it to the ballot, but if it did I would support it despite my personal reasons that I disliked it. I simply have never found a reason so compelling in any initiative to go out and promote prohibition, instead of furthering the cause.

No sense in trying to argue the future and hypothetical situations. The only other historical event to base it on would be alcohol, and if history repeats itself as it so often does, supply and quality of product will increase, and prices will plummet.
Proposed Medical Marijuana Law Has Many At Odds Over Pot... even among pot smokers...

budbro, It's difficult to respond to that without being harsh or having a WTF? attitude. Know that I try to do my best to be loving and kind and understanding of where people are in their knowledge, (not that I have all the knowledge or answers) but really WTF? the greatest country and form of government ever known - you can't be serious. Have you ever been to another country? Have you studied real history or other cultures, not this fake propaganda shit taught in public schools?? Sure there are a lot of great things about this country but it has been hijacked by the City State Empire Corporation where almost everything is illegal. "Democracy" is a 'demonic' principle of "majority rules" or "those with the gold rule," etc... The illusion is that this country started out as a Republic (of, by and for the People) but even this is a lie. The constitution is a "corporate charter" that established a corporation known as Washington DC, U.S.A., U.S., etc. but that is a whole other story, that I am sure will get your blood boiling just me saying this much... "If you don't like it get the f$%k out" you might say. Well, I already have, I am not a citizen/subject of the corporation anymore. I have realized that I am a FREE LIVING MAN and not subject to the corporate policies. I do not "reside" in the U.S., I inhabit the land of earth as a FREE LIVING MAN.

Concerning prohibition of alcohol, there may be some similarities but there are some significant differences too. Politicians and wealthy people enjoyed alcohol at exclusive social clubs. This influence was a big part of the lifting of the ban. Cannabis on the other hand is a plant that facilitates enlightenment, individuality, opposition to authority among other anti-establishment ideas. Don't be so naive to think they will treat Cannabis the same way as alcohol. The Catholic Church has opposed all sacred plants for thousands of years (The Popes hate dope | Cannabis Culture Magazine), and since they control most of the governments on earth, I doubt they are going to change their policy on this issue. Sure its hypothetical, but the history of the most powerful, wealthy entity on earth and throughout history has VIOLENTLY opposed Cannabis and other earth based medicinal/sacred plants. A much longer example than alcohol prohibition.

The ideas I am presenting concern MUCH more than just Cannabis, this concerns basic freedoms in general and the UN-alienable rights we have as living beings. "Offering no solution or negativity," on the contrary I propose a complete nullification of the corrupt quasi-government and all their ridiculous corporate policies and a restoration of real freedom. This is NOT a free-for-all do what you want idea. Its all about taking full responsibility for your actions, honoring your contracts and do no harm to others or their property. If you commit a real crime (harm to another, destruction of property, dishonor a valid contract) then you will suffer the consequences. We don't need a corporation (government) to regulate common sense. We need REAL education and freedom. Certification organizations such as "Organic" or "Cannabis Quality" rating systems would be good, and the market can regulate itself based on customer support and demand.

As long as the corporation is in control of governing the policies, "legalization" won't happen, at least not on the federal level. Voting today is a distraction and a fraud, especially with electronic machines counting the votes. If voting actually changed anything it would be illegal. While I applaud and commend the efforts of activists, I fear their efforts are in vain and misinformed about whats really going on. :Namaste:
Proposed Medical Marijuana Law Has Many At Odds Over Pot... even among pot smokers...

budbro, It's difficult to respond to that without being harsh or having a WTF? attitude. Know that I try to do my best to be loving and kind and understanding of where people are in their knowledge, (not that I have all the knowledge or answers) but really WTF? the greatest country and form of government ever known - you can't be serious. Have you ever been to another country? Have you studied real history or other cultures, not this fake propaganda shit taught in public schools?? Sure there are a lot of great things about this country but it has been hijacked by the City State Empire Corporation where almost everything is illegal. "Democracy" is a 'demonic' principle of "majority rules" or "those with the gold rule," etc... The illusion is that this country started out as a Republic (of, by and for the People) but even this is a lie. The constitution is a "corporate charter" that established a corporation known as Washington DC, U.S.A., U.S., etc. but that is a whole other story, that I am sure will get your blood boiling just me saying this much... "If you don't like it get the f$%k out" you might say. Well, I already have, I am not a citizen/subject of the corporation anymore. I have realized that I am a FREE LIVING MAN and not subject to the corporate policies. I do not "reside" in the U.S., I inhabit the land of earth as a FREE LIVING MAN.

Concerning prohibition of alcohol, there may be some similarities but there are some significant differences too. Politicians and wealthy people enjoyed alcohol at exclusive social clubs. This influence was a big part of the lifting of the ban. Cannabis on the other hand is a plant that facilitates enlightenment, individuality, opposition to authority among other anti-establishment ideas. Don't be so naive to think they will treat Cannabis the same way as alcohol. The Catholic Church has opposed all sacred plants for thousands of years (The Popes hate dope | Cannabis Culture Magazine), and since they control most of the governments on earth, I doubt they are going to change their policy on this issue. Sure its hypothetical, but the history of the most powerful, wealthy entity on earth and throughout history has VIOLENTLY opposed Cannabis and other earth based medicinal/sacred plants. A much longer example than alcohol prohibition.

The ideas I am presenting concern MUCH more than just Cannabis, this concerns basic freedoms in general and the UN-alienable rights we have as living beings. "Offering no solution or negativity," on the contrary I propose a complete nullification of the corrupt quasi-government and all their ridiculous corporate policies and a restoration of real freedom. This is NOT a free-for-all do what you want idea. Its all about taking full responsibility for your actions, honoring your contracts and do no harm to others or their property. If you commit a real crime (harm to another, destruction of property, dishonor a valid contract) then you will suffer the consequences. We don't need a corporation (government) to regulate common sense. We need REAL education and freedom. Certification organizations such as "Organic" or "Cannabis Quality" rating systems would be good, and the market can regulate itself based on customer support and demand.

As long as the corporation is in control of governing the policies, "legalization" won't happen, at least not on the federal level. Voting today is a distraction and a fraud, especially with electronic machines counting the votes. If voting actually changed anything it would be illegal. While I applaud and commend the efforts of activists, I fear their efforts are in vain and misinformed about whats really going on. :Namaste:
Again, all you bring to the table is conspiracy theories and dreams of Utopia, meanwhile, the rest of us are trying to make this world a better place by actually DOING something. I don't begrudge you for wanting a perfect world, but it's really a complete waste of time to discuss our pipe dreams and this mysterious unknown corporation that has taken over our government.

You have to understand, it's extremely irritating to myself and others, when someone comes here opposing legalization, when they have nothing else to offer (something to vote on) other than words. We can't vote on what you want right now, if we could I would vote for it but until then I will support what is real and before us now. It's not that I completely disagree with you, I disagree with a lot of the things in some initiatives, but I will NEVER oppose them when it's the only thing the people have at the present time to make their world a little better.

BTW, it's really nothing personal, you can go and read my past posts, I jump everybody's ass who opposes current legalization efforts.
I commend your passion and resolve to make the world a better place. I used to wholeheartedly support legalization and have been involved in activism, and I do support the idea that prohibition needs to end, but I think a better choice is "decriminalization" rather than "legalization." They may sound the same but in law they are very different words with very different meanings.

The idea that the Federal and State governments are corporations is no big secret. It is a well documented historical fact that the United States of America was founded as the Virginia Company (look it up, Wikipedia has and interesting article on it), and that every State, County and City is "incorporated" to do business under the founding Corporate "Charter" called the "Constitution."

Synonyms to the word "theory" are: hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, postulate, proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presupposition; opinion, view, belief, contention." Theories do not always have facts to back them up.

To call these things a "conspiracy theory" is like saying there are no facts to back up the idea. There are many documented facts to back it up.

I wrote this earlier and now its time for bed, rather than loose what I wrote so far, I am posting this. :peace:
I agree with JC. It is not a conspericy theory that Du Pont, the oil co. the paper co. and big pharma all lobbied washington to criminilize cannabis. They bought it. The facts ARE there to back it up. Funny how these SAME corporations are now lobbying washington to get CONTROLL of the weed. This IS a corporate government, has been since 1937. Our government today is 1000 times the size it should be. They passed 80,000 new laws last year alone. You do not even know if you are breaking one or not. This country is VERY sick and in DIRE need of repair. Just allowing us to grow and use a weed that god put on the earth for the benifit of mankind, and allowing American farmers to plant hemp for oil, plastic, food,and thousands of other products,would create enogh jobs that EVERYONE would have one. This would put this country back on top. So, the Du Ponts and oil and big pharma would allmost vanish. We would be better of without the greedy money mongers. Just my two cents.
Personally, I'm voting for anything that even remotely looks like it's going to relieve the current Cannabis laws in this "Prison" state!

If it's taking the pressure off of me/us to enjoy Cannabis, In any respect, I'm voting for it!

I/we can't afford to be picky about which fine tuned laws to vote for, when it's gotten so far gone now that we don't even have that choice or luxury to squabble over details.

This ain't about tweaking and fine tuning current Cannabis laws for me/us...This is about getting anything we can to grab on to...This is about people loosing their freedom/lives over Cannabis in Non-MMJ states...We don't have time for details here in these police/prison states!

I have come to the conclusion that most people in the quasi legal MMJ states only seem care about what happens in their own state(s) and to hell with the rest of the country as a whole...No matter what it's doing to their fellow countrymen/women.

That's ok, have fun with you new toy, but don't look for sympathy from us when it breaks!

I look at it as, there's 16 MMJ states now, with 34 more to go! ;)
I commend your passion and resolve to make the world a better place. I used to wholeheartedly support legalization and have been involved in activism, and I do support the idea that prohibition needs to end, but I think a better choice is "decriminalization" rather than "legalization." They may sound the same but in law they are very different words with very different meanings.

The idea that the Federal and State governments are corporations is no big secret. It is a well documented historical fact that the United States of America was founded as the Virginia Company (look it up, Wikipedia has and interesting article on it), and that every State, County and City is "incorporated" to do business under the founding Corporate "Charter" called the "Constitution."

Synonyms to the word "theory" are: hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, postulate, proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presupposition; opinion, view, belief, contention." Theories do not always have facts to back them up.

To call these things a "conspiracy theory" is like saying there are no facts to back up the idea. There are many documented facts to back it up.

I wrote this earlier and now its time for bed, rather than loose what I wrote so far, I am posting this. :peace:

I agree with JC. It is not a conspericy theory that Du Pont, the oil co. the paper co. and big pharma all lobbied washington to criminilize cannabis. They bought it. The facts ARE there to back it up. Funny how these SAME corporations are now lobbying washington to get CONTROLL of the weed. This IS a corporate government, has been since 1937. Our government today is 1000 times the size it should be. They passed 80,000 new laws last year alone. You do not even know if you are breaking one or not. This country is VERY sick and in DIRE need of repair. Just allowing us to grow and use a weed that god put on the earth for the benifit of mankind, and allowing American farmers to plant hemp for oil, plastic, food,and thousands of other products,would create enogh jobs that EVERYONE would have one. This would put this country back on top. So, the Du Ponts and oil and big pharma would allmost vanish. We would be better of without the greedy money mongers. Just my two cents.
You guys miss the point completely. The paragraphs of endless complaining of people, companies and the government are really not my focus or care. The article is about a state voter initiative, remember.

If either of you or anyone else ever proposes a better law for Massachusetts, another state, or federal law and gives us something to vote on, I will support it and in turn be supporting what you want. To this, I think we agree.

The thing I disagree with, is that I do not think anyone in the movement and fighting the good fight, should ever PROMOTE continued prohibition, which is exactly what you are doing if you are asking people reading this to vote NO in hopes that something better will come along in four years. IMHO, after the initiatives are finalized and submitted to be voted on, it's time to put our personal differences and what we what behind us, and support the only thing on the ballot.

These citizens in Massachusetts that worked for these initiatives have given their voters something to vote on and to make their state and it's sick and dying people a little better. If you think it's okay to come here and try to block this, we will simply have to disagree, and I'll see you both in the next article when you try and do the same.
Jc, I did not say I would vote no on anything. I am not promoting prohibition. I am just stating the facts of why its illegal to start with. AND, how it will end. This is a greedy CORPORATE government, and in the end THEY will controll the weed, not you and I. Mearly stating that it is time for a real chan ge. You should know by now that VOTING is not going to CHANGE anything.
Jc, I did not say I would vote no on anything. I am not promoting prohibition. I am just stating the facts of why its illegal to start with. AND, how it will end. This is a greedy CORPORATE government, and in the end THEY will controll the weed, not you and I. Mearly stating that it is time for a real chan ge. You should know by now that VOTING is not going to CHANGE anything.
I think you meant to say budbro instead of jc and I guess I shouldn't have linked you in with jc. My apologies, I thought you implied people should prolong ending prohibition, when you said "I agree with jc". But honestly, I really don't care who controls the weed, as long as people can smoke it and not go to jail. I am not looking to profit from it and I have absolutely no problem with Capitalism under a Democratic society.
But voting does change everything, just ask any of the happy people of the 16 states that have MMJ for it's sick patients. Is it perfect, of course not, has it changed for the better, I think so. As much as we want it to magically change overnight, it's not going to happen that way though. We either believe we can do nothing, or we can vote to change it. I believe we can make it better by voting for legalization.
growing and selling should be put in the hands of the people NOT the corporations. It would give those that are out of work another chance at making a living for their familys. I too belive in capitalism, BUT when the same old cos.(the top 1 % controll it you will pay through the nose for your meds.
growing and selling should be put in the hands of the people NOT the corporations. It would give those that are out of work another chance at making a living for their familys. I too belive in capitalism, BUT when the same old cos.(the top 1 % controll it you will pay through the nose for your meds.
I understand your concerns bro, but if you take a look at the dispensary owners that have businesses in states that have legalized, control, and tax it, I think you will find they are definitely not the top 1% of society. No need to start pulling out the big guns on them yet, lol :Namaste:
If either of you or anyone else ever proposes a better law for Massachusetts, another state, or federal law and gives us something to vote on, I will support it and in turn be supporting what you want. To this, I think we agree.

First off let me state this. I am NOT against the idea of ending prohibition whatever form that may take, so I think we do agree in many ways... but...

I have a proposal - How about we actually restore REAL LAW in this country rather than just cast our votes for some new corporate policy, regulation or bloated bureaucracy (which its doubtful votes are even counted accurately since fraud is rampant, especially with electronic machines). Maybe what I am saying sounds like a Utopian pipe dream, but @#%^& isn't this supposed to be a FREE country????

Sometimes I feel like I cant wait for the world to blow up so the Amoeba can start over, but most time I do have hope in humanity that we will wake up and realize that WE ARE ALREADY FREE!!! We voluntarily contract with police and Courts and continue to give them money and allow them to throw people in jail for victimless violations of corporate policy.

I propose the following universal LAW principles, everything else can eat dirt:
First and foremost there must be a valid sworn claim filed in a REAL Court of Law from a victim or witness that one or more of the following was committed (implies willful action):
1. Harm against another
2. Destruction of property
3. Dishonor of contract

Arrestable "crime" REQUIRES a victim, everything else is a voluntary contract with a place of business called a Court.
Just because they have guns and badges does not mean we have to submit to anything they say or do, unless of course its under duress and threat of violence, even then, if we maintain that we are acting under duress, anything they do is unlawful and illegal.
A first response to a police officer (who is NOT supposed to interpret the law or administer justice) should be a question such as - "What is/do you have 'Probable Cause'? Is there a victim or witness filing a sworn claim against me? Where is your proof that I consented to contract with you? What is your jurisdiction? Do you have jurisdiction over a living breathing man? Can you prove it? etc. ask questions and always ask in a way that puts the burden of proof on THEM. Don't make statements that require you to prove, or that you can not prove. And NEVER answer 'yes' to their question 'Do you understand these rights?' Their definition of 'understand' literally means to stand under their jurisdiction and authority.

I read of a case a while back where a man was arrested for possession or something and during the process he did not consent to the search, later the 'Judge' dismissed the case because it was an illegal search.

This is by no means "legal advice," it is FREEDOM information.
Hey JC, we are not that much different bro, and if we could vote on what you are proposing, as I've said, I'd back you up a 100%. It's not that I'm against your ideas, I'm just against them in this particular thread because it takes away from the initiatives at hand.

Here is my proposal: You wait until the stories comes out (420W does a great job here getting them to us almost everyday) that do not go against an already proposed initiative to be voted on, so that it doesn't look like you are bashing the proposal, and I guarantee myself, and 99% of the people here will agree with you, support you, add too, and participate in a constructive discussion. We are getting way off topic here discussing massive federal restructuring issues in a Massachusetts voter initiative thread. Your posts ARE informative and those types of discussions happen here constantly, but maybe better suited for another thread? How about a truce and end it here til another appropriate time?
My apologies, :sorry: for taking this thread way off topic. I think I am getting a bit trigger happy lately with all this voter fraud and ridiculous law enforcement thinking somehow that Cannabis will 'open the door' to worse things, etc. I went back and read the report I have been commenting on these last few days. I sure hope that things work out for Massachusetts in spite of ignorant officials.

Its just all this stuff in my head I want to let it out and tell as many people as I can. I think I first saw this report on my Facebook, and jumped the gun a bit and sounding like a bashing was going on against the initiative... well Capital Hill does need a good bashing, but my keyboard is taking the brunt of it lately, I'm hearing a squeak already... :peacetwo:
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