Prunn or not to Prunn?


New Member
The plant growing buded all over but the buds at the lower part of the plant and all the one closer to the stem are not getting much light. Do I prunn the leaves to allow light to reach these buds or leave the leaves alone? The lower leaves have a light shade a yellow but all others are nice and geen.

Medium I used for this one is soil.
In flower cycle, I tuck em or tie em out of the way, keep the energy going to the flowers not to repairs from cutting, I do a little cutting in veg but never in flower, this is just my opinion. :peace:
Pics would help out here.. but if you haven't taken the lower branches off in Veg, I agree with DF, all you would do by taking them off now is slowing down growth and possibly reducing your final yield??? Never pull sun leaves unless they are dead or dieing!
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