Question about AVB

As for smoking these days, I definitely prefer bongs.

I like it! Just a good simple bong. Nothing all complicated.
And that pipe, who didn't have one like it? LoL every head shop carried those. I think it was a prerequisite. It also came in blue or red aluminum, you could mix and match Like Legos! The screen would get so clogged you'd have to dig it out and usually destroy it, so of course you robbed the closest sink screen!

Here's some old school paraphernalia for you. I remember buying this sophomore year in high school at the only head shop accessible from W. Houston. Well the only one I'd go to and not worry about my safety, lol.

A dry herb vaporizer will operate thru conduction and should get to a temp of at least 375F in order to boil off the THC vapors and some of the CBD vapors. Higher temps in the low 400's are needed to boil off the CBD's. If ur getting to these temps there shouldn't be anything but brown herb (poo/brown shit) remaining in the bowl/heating chamber.

Here's one of my vapes:
Vape Mk III Swoop1.JPG
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