Quitting for love


New Member
ok I don't smoke that much because of work etc... but when I do depending on where I am at I could smoke up 5-10 bowls in a day, but I got hit with the question from my girl " when are we going to stop smoking???" UGH I don't wanna stop smoking I love the way I feel. We usually smoke together, but there is a little problem... My girl got cancer when she was younger, and it was in her throat. people say weed won't cause cancer etc, but how can you be sure, and for her it would be going through it again! I still might smoke on the side like at a party, but not on the regular. so I was wondering what everyone thinks I should do, and ending it just wont happen.
Re: that damn question

yeah...no.....if you smoke everyday thats cool, just make sure you balance your life and that your not relying on it
Re: that damn question

Invest in a vapouriser if your worried about the cancerous aspect of it and want to smoke more often. Or, bake it and eat it or simply drastically cut down.
Re: that damn question

I'm a generally solitary person. I have a few close friends that I see everyday and I consider everyone else acquaintances. I also believe that smoking weed is more about the self than anything else. It's all about inward reflection and being more in tune with your body and mind. It seems as your body and mind share the same wave length when youre high. I smoke as much as I can, usually 5-20 bowls a day, and I see no issue. I function normally and do all the things a person of my age and status should be doing. If a girl ever asked me to quit they'd be met with a very obvious statement, my foot in their ass. I suppose your situation is different from my own but I still think you shouldn't have to quit altogether because of your girl.
Re: that damn question

I like kitty's idea to vape. You could try to explain that to her. You could cut back some though. Not like it would really hurt anything.
Re: that damn question

I agree...IF you use weed as a crutch to get you thru the day then it's time to quit. If you use it recreationally you're fine. No different than a glass of wine with dinner, or a beer at the ball game.

As for her, and being that I'm a 5th year cancer fighter also, I'd vape or eat it.
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