Random Drug Testing Could Backfire


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The Citrus County School Board should think twice before it institutes random student drug testing.

While seemingly based on good intentions, drug testing young people can oftentimes have counterproductive results.

The only federally commissioned review examining the effectiveness of student drug testing programs found the policy to have no discernible impact on youth drug use. Districts that tested students had no lower rates of use than districts that did not.

Many young people, rather than submit to invasive and humiliating drug screenings, will simply choose not to play sports. Extracurricular activities have been shown to be a leading contributor to keeping kids off drugs, so the School Board should be thinking of creative ways to create more diversions for young people in Citrus, instead of trying to take them away from kids who have messed up.

Citrus County is part of the 5th Congressional District of Florida, literally the "oldest" district in the country. More Social Security checks are sent to the 5th than any other place in America.

Outside of sports, there are few opportunities for young people in Citrus to avoid drugs. Keeping kids who have used drugs out of sports will only exacerbate the county's already intimidating drug problem.

NewsHawk: Stoner4Life - 420 Magazine
Source: St. Petersburg Times
Pubdate: Tue, 10 Oct 2006
Author: Christopher Mulligan
Copyright: 2006 St. Petersburg Times
Contact: St. Petersburg Times Online: Opinion
Website: St. Petersburg Times Online
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