Rant! + Where to Grow Legally


New Member
Hey All!
I live in England and SICK, SICK, SICK of paying sooo much of my hard earned money just to be able to smoke a little bit of a plant?!?! How Wierd that I have to work so hard for measly bits of metal and paper (MONEY) which doesnt "grow on trees" only to trade it all for cannabis which... well go figure! But thats not the end of it, after spending all my hard earned money and coming away with this bag of mere plant material that only MAKES ME HAPPY!, I am forced to hide away to smoke it. I'm SICK of hiding the fact I smoke it from parents, relatives, people I work with, bosses, the list goes on. The only people I can freely smoke with are fellow weed smokers and even then we have to stay in houses or garages or if we go out we have to hide away behind buildings/up lanes and the like just so we dont get caught. It's gotten to the point where I no longer hide it and I just dont care anymore (just gotta watch for the police who you can spot a couple of miles off with their illuminus jackets n tits on thier heads!), most people that see me smoking a joint look disgusted but thats due to thier ignorance toward cannabis, most see it as a "drug" and our government has decided not to allow us to grow/smoke it, making it "illegal" therefore most people with little knowledge about cannabis just see it as this illegal drug which must be really bad to be made illegal and look down upon me or ignore me thinking im a "drug abuser" or a "Junkie"!! Not only that but most of these ignorant halfwits go out and consume ridiculus amounts of alcohol which is FAR worse a "DRUG" if thats the way thet want to look at it and could you imagine the uproar if our goverment decide to make alcohol illegal?!! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a drink too but I don't enjoy going out and drinking so much that I feel sick, can't stand or walk straight, can't speak properly, get offensive and aggressive, then wake up the next morning still feeling sick, with a banging sore head and not being able to remember a thing from the night before! Needless to say,thats never happened to me with weed, give me a smoke any night, worst possible scenario - a little short term mem loss but how many non-smokers forget things too?! (It'll come back to you!) It's just soo annoying when I do go on a night out, I don't smoke cigarettes, yet these are more harmful and totally pointless, but all my mates do so every time they light up it makes me want to spark up a spliff but if I did I'd be kicked out, barred and the police will probably be informed, the only way around this is to skin up in disgusting toilets whilst holding your breath and holding back from spewking followed by having to find a discreet place outside to smoke it in whatever the weather might be doing - F***ING HELL, I'M NOT AN ANIMAL, PLEASE GIVE US A LITTLE RESPECT AND TREAT US LIKE PEOPLE!
Anyway REALLY sorry for that outburst just had to get afew thing off my chest, back to my reason for posting: - Does anyone have any information on different countries cannabis grow laws or know where I can find out up-to-date laws on possession, use, growing, distribution etc.. I used to grow my own but dont want to live with the fear that I might get bust and sent to prison for growing a plant! (I really don't belong prison, I'm not a bad person at all and I'm sure most people inside now for cannabis-related offences aren't either and don't deserve to be locked up with real criminals) I dont care about money so I'm not bothered about making it through dealing, all I want is to be allowed (and everyone else too!) to grow my own - cutting out the making of illegal and tax-free money made by "dealers", stopping people getting ripped off, less violence involved, not knowing exactly what your smoking and not having to spend all my hard earned money on it! I've been looking for afew years now and I just want a safe haven where I can live in peace without the constant aggrevations and greif I get for smoking, im sick of being judged, patronised and looked at like a piece of scum because of it and just want to know of any places YOU may have been where it is totally acceptable and LEGAL too!
Thanks to all who reply x
i dont feel the need to smoke openly or in public but i do smoke were ever i want nobody sees and i am happy i agree the fucking madness of the fact that it grows and i gotta pay shitloads for it maybe i should stop buying it? but what would i become? I think marijuana has helped me stay in touch with the light side of life so i really dont like it when someone persecutes me for burning i dont get it alot and its usally not appointed at me but i feel bad none the less. I seen a little boy on the late show last night and he said that if you strive for something you know in yer heart to be right you will succeed. how true?
Well, in Alaska (every state in the USA has different laws) you can have up to an oz. or so inside your house and it's legal (BUT ONLY INSIDE YOUR HOUSE).
They have really great privacy laws, so growing is de facto legal there also.
Amsterdam you can grow if you are citizen. In spain marijuana is hemp which is legal to grow, untill it is rolled up is it considered a drug.
There is one county left in California where you can grow up to 99 plants of Medicinal Marijuana.. it's another lovely thing I can blow my horn about..

California.. ya gotta love it! :clown:

As Mr. S says: "you can grow if you are citizen.." of California.
Pinch said:
There is one county left in California where you can grow up to 99 plants of Medicinal Marijuana.. it's another lovely thing I can blow my horn about..

California.. ya gotta love it! :clown:

As Mr. S says: "you can grow if you are citizen.." of California.

mendocino county?
HAHA420 said:
mendocino county?

Del Norte, north western Cal, right below Oregon on the Pacific Coast.. the last one left with big numbers..

Where Captain Beefheart lives..:smokin:
Welcome to the struggle my Britainian Counterpart. I feel some what responisble for your anguish as the US and UK work together in many issues and the US has obviously influenced your anti-drug policy.

Dont get me wrong, i love this country, but the US is full of hypocricy. What is worse is the fact that the government is trying to ignore the public demand for the lessing of marijuana laws. Only the most bold political figures will make a statement regarding marijuana legislation and all the rest bullshit about it so they would upset anyone.

----Book of Revelation 3:17-19 "You are lukewarm, because you are neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my mouth for I would rather you be either cold or hot than to be in the middle"
John (the person who wrote the book of revelation) is talking about indifference...indifference plagues american society and is the root of evil.

Dont be indifferent, make a stand. Dont encourage people to keep with the norm, invite them to be apart of NORML. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees...
Pinch said:
Del Norte, north western Cal, right below Oregon on the Pacific Coast.. the last one left with big numbers..

Where Captain Beefheart lives..:smokin:

damn i thought mendo county still was too. i always read about complaints about the weed smell in general over there in the newspaper
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