Raw Dogged on the Scrog


Well-Known Member
I posted some photos a couple weeks ago of a scrog in progress. All was well, until it suddenly wasn’t. Leaves on the bottom of the plants began to yellow, burn, and eventually die in an upward fashion. At first it seemed as if it was a nitrogen deficiency, but then the leaves on the very top of the plants began to yellow and turn a strange orangish color on some of the leaves. Also, stems became thin and weak. After carefully reviewing my own nutrients and schedules, I found that I had skimped the potassium. This is my third grow, but I still never would’ve dreamed I’d let a macronutrient slide like that. I just didn’t consider how little potassium I had used. Honestly, I think all the focus on the screen and training made me forget something very fundamental. Now, my bud doesn’t have much of a smell, and they are not dense like they should be. I’m going to remember this one, and I’m going to feel this in the jar. For anyone reading this, don’t let this one happen. I can’t think of a worse problem to have mid-flower.



wow that bites but hopefully it will work out, also never underestimate the ability of a grower to become nose blind to his/her own garden. wash your hands and do a stem rub then Hoover on that for a few minutes
Yeah man, it’s a bummer. But, this is my third grow, and I was honestly waiting for something to go wrong. It had been going too smoothly for such a rookie, lol. Good news, is I think I zeroed in on the issue. I was not using dry amendments my last two grows. I was using the salmon. When you make that feed water with a few tablespoons of that stuff, plus cal mag, it takes a hefty amount of potassium bicarbonate to get the pH up to range. When I started using the dry amendments, I started just making pH balanced water with cal mag, and that took only a splash of potassium to bring it up to range. I lost all of my potassium with this switch.
wow that bites but hopefully it will work out, also never underestimate the ability of a grower to become nose blind to his/her own garden. wash your hands and do a stem rub then Hoover on that for a few minutes
Oh, and my dry amendments where skimpy on potassium. FF Cavern Culture had 1-12-0, and the Dr Earth had 3-9-4, but I used half and half. Not enough.
CORRECTION- Now we are finished! I lost one plant, but it is still quite a lot of herb. It’s just not dense herb, and it’s a little premature. These other plants are finishing up Week 8 and they chose now to plump up. I know someone out there is thinking, “that’s a mildew nightmare.” I was pretty terrified letting it go that packed, but I took a shot. After about 6 inspections, we are good. That, was a close one!


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