Remember When Obama Said He Would Stop Medical Cannabis Raids?

Jacob Bell

New Member
In March 2008 Gary Nelson, editorial page editor at southern Oregon's Mail Tribune, interviewed Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), who at the time was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. When Nelson asked Obama about federal policy regarding Oregon's medical marijuana law, which had been approved by voters a decade before, Obama declared, "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue." Two months later, another Oregon paper, Willamette Week, asked Obama, "Would you stop the DEA's raids on Oregon medical marijuana growers?" His reply: "I would, because I think our federal agents have better things to do, like catching criminals and preventing terrorism." The Oregon medical marijuana growers who were raided by the DEA yesterday probably are wishing that guy had been elected president.

"I can guarantee you that if [the] Oregon Medical Marijuana [Program] would have came and did a search of us and our papers, they would have happily drove off and did nothing," the owner of the property the DEA raided told A.P. The DEA says it found 451 plants. Oregon's law allows designated growers to raise up to six plants per patient for up to four people. The landlord said he had 20 tenants who were designated as growers, meaning they could have been growing a total of up to 480 plants and still been "in clear and unambiguous compliance" with state law, which according to a 2009 Justice Department memo would make this raid a poor use of the government's resources. But according to a 2011 memo that the department insists is "entirely consistent" with the earlier one, compliance with state law offers no protection from federal prosecution. Got that?


News Hawk- Jacob Ebel 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Jacob Sullum
Contact: Contact Us
Copyright: Reason Magazine
Website: Remember When Obama Said He Would Stop the DEA's Raids on Oregon's Medical Marijuana Growers? Neither Does He
Or Obama has absolutely no control over his agencies and didn't know at the time that he wouldn't have the power to stop the DEA from doing what they want. Weird country this United States has become.
Are you guys being sarcastic? Obama is their boss and they do as he says, period. Especially on issues that would make him out to be a liar and ruin his chances of re-election.
Obama sends Feds to crack down on CA MMJ industry.

Here is an article with some good links.

Copy & paste into a search engine,

obama sends feds to shut down MMJ industry in CA healthimpactnews

I tested the copy & paste of the above & it takes you to a list of Health Impact News articles. The 1st one on the page is the one I read 1st.

Gol dang it!!! I have a friend who was going to front me so I could get legal med & grow cards. He/she/they got a small $ windfall. Now I guess I gotta wait to see what happens. In my state, AZ, I know gov Jan Brewer won't stand up for the new MMJ referendum that got passed. She has already attacked it.

Looks like the Rx drug pushers have a lot of influence. As well as the synthetic clothing, plastics & cotton industries, all of which have a LOT of profit to lose if cannabis & industrial hemp are ever RE-legalized.

GREED KILLS!!!! A pox on their house!!!

This is such BS!!!!! Land of the free home of the brave---show me where that is. I wanna move THERE! Like was said, all this is gonna do is make the 'man', the violent cartels, richer.

Also Captain Zero & circus may want to get attention away from their selling guns to violent drug gangs in Mexico. What a crock!!! Many in the 0 administration should be in jail for Operation Fast & Furious.

Back to the underground I guess.

Not trying to be political, but IMO every one in the US should investigate Ron Paul & Gary Johnson. These two are the only real US Constitutionalist candidates running for US POTUS. They both would end the war on US civil liberties, err, I mean the war on drugs.

The Rx drug pushers kill 3-4 times as many people as illegal drugs. Even aspirin kills by way of OD if ya take enough. Every user of cannabis knows that cannabis can't kill any one via overdose.

Looks like the ball is our court. We gotta fight back at the voting booth. Also write your Congress critters. Captain Zero just added to his long list of lies. What a sham & what a shame!!!

The USA should be very ashamed for exporting the war on drugs. I know I am ashamed & very embarrassed of my country for it!!!

Time 4 a revolt! Time to march on D.C. and show them we mean business and that we care about those who need their medicine's. To bad Bush put into effect a agreement with Canada that if Our dear government has to many problems with it's people they can borrow the Mounties and shoot and kill us with no repercussions. (And yes I know they will read this. They monitor all of the internet.)
It was just a matter of time before this happened -I thought it would be after Obama's term but it was a matter of time. I feel bad for all of you fools who paid your application and licensing fees only to have your name and address given directly to the DEA!
When the federal government comes into a state and violates the rights given to the people by their state law, the government is not working in the interest of the people.
It was just a matter of time before this happened -I thought it would be after Obama's term but it was a matter of time. I feel bad for all of you fools who paid your application and licensing fees only to have your name and address given directly to the DEA!
When the federal government comes into a state and violates the rights given to the people by their state law, the government is not working in the interest of the people and must be overthrown.
It might be time to start withholding your federal tax dollars and buying assault rifles...

Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I guess from where you stand I'm a fool. My question to you is, what have you done to promote cannabis awareness? That's one of the things these people are doing. From where I stand it's called courage.:peace:
Best to keep it peaceful and civil, always. Governor Brown squashed the hemp bill and as soon as Obama gets his 2012 check from Bayer (for Sativex approval) it will all die down. As much as I hate the lies, Romney will definitely put an end to MMJ, he is not bashful at all on where he stands or what he will do if elected. I'm not a Democrat, FYI. :peace:
Question: How can you tell when a politician is lying?
Answer: His lips are moving.

Question: How can you tell when someone is hopelessly naive?
Answer: They believe a politician.
It looks like Obama's DOJ (Dept of Justice) is running rampant without any control from the president.

Look at the 'Obama Promise' and now we have operation 'Fast and Furious' (ATF selling thousands of guns to the mex cartels then losing track of them while they are involved in crimes, including the murder of a border patrol agent.) Obama has no control over any of his agencies.
I'm really, really worried for our salmon runs. Instead of the DOJ assisting by going after the farms on public lands that play havoc with the salmon runs and watersheds, they are taking a hard line against one of the few bright spots in our sluggish economy. What are they going to do next, pass laws against putting spices in foods because many come from flowers? My family will not be supporting Obama's campaign, looks like the west coast may not be so willing to vote for him next year.
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