Response to News Story:Respectable Reefer


Well-Known Member
So what these guys are saying in fact is; We will provide the tools to governments and drug companies to exploit sick people by legalizing this form of pot. However, if you choose not to buy this drug, and grow your own (at 1/10th the cost) we will still be able to put you in jail under federal laws.

Lemme put forth a small analogy:

Let's say that I find a plant in the rainforest that I can squeeze juice from that makes oil that an engine will run on. It grows almost year round, and enough can be grown in a 20x30 plot to run my car for a year...

All the sudden, the government bans the plant, saying something to the effect of "Fertilizers being used to grow these plants is endangering the water supply" or "fires from indoor growing facilities have led us to outlaw growing"... or whatever...

Now you can only buy this new oil processed through massive farms and refineries... taxed by the government, littered with middlemen and additives, and purchased at an oil station owned by BP. That's legal.

It's bullshit sir. Plain and simple. They are saying "Oh! It's ok to use now that we can regulate, tax, control, and have a wonderful monopoly it!"

We Americans cannot possibly let anyone, especially the little poor, yellow, black, or green man have the ability to make a living on this, we have to make it legal for just us deserving rich white folks, so we can get richer, and buy that island in the pacific.

I certainly agree we need the medication, I know I need it. I am currently considering moving to a state where I can get it without worrying about my family being devastated by me going to jail for buying or growing it. But am I willing to buy in to the furthering of corporate government to get it? That I don't really know. :peace:
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