Rockwool to 5 Gal?


New Member
I am a nu-bee and I haven't started yet but I want all my ducks in a row before I start. I am going to get my pots soon and I need to know if there is a reason I can't just change from my seedling in the rockwool cube to a 5 gal pot. Is there a reason to go small then transplant? Also has anyone used "Gel cubes" for seedlings? I saw them @ OSH and they looked cool. They are about the size of a rockwool cube but made clear gel and I think it said they have nutes in them. I also think it said they were reusable. Reusing dosen't sound like a good idea but let me know if anybody has used them or heard anything about them. Thanks :scratchinghead: VICtOrDANiels
Also, you can grow your plants under a smaller light if they are transplanted a couple of times. You want bright light so you branches will be closer together.
Repotting might delay the plant a bit if you damage the roots. But on a healthy cannabis plant, you'll get so many roots that it can clog up the pot. I just trimmed a bunch of roots that were hanging in the water tray.

Potting up, at the right time, will just allow good room to grow, without overcrowding the pots with roots.
Thanks everyone! I Spoke to a guy at a hydro-store and he said the same thing about the benifits of going small to large(transplanting 1/2gal-3gal-5-gal). The next concern is watering\nutes. I want an easy system that will be effective yet easy. this may be for a new thread though.
From wool ( or whatever medium) to 4x4 pots to 3 gal for me.
Try GHP it works, easy to use, hard to burn plants with. gives a good yeild with decent weight. Good luck.
i have always just started my seeds in 1" rock wool cubes, and once roots start coming out the bottom put them in the same dwc bucket setup they will be in where they are done and it has worked out fine for me. that way you don't have to mess around setting up three different buckets attaching the air stones and what not. the roots and plant seem to grow at about the same rate, i havnt noticed any substantial stunting of growth. that being said i use a 3 gall bucket not a 5.

oh and ghp stands for general hydroponics, a brand name in nutrients and grow systems.
i have always just started my seeds in 1" rock wool cubes, and once roots start coming out the bottom put them in the same dwc bucket setup they will be in where they are done and it has worked out fine for me. that way you don't have to mess around setting up three different buckets attaching the air stones and what not. the roots and plant seem to grow at about the same rate, i havnt noticed any substantial stunting of growth. that being said i use a 3 gall bucket not a 5.

oh and ghp stands for general hydroponics, a brand name in nutrients and grow systems.
lol You don't "transplant" in hydro. You change systems maybe or reservoirs but you don't transplant. The above converstaion applies to container growing like with soil or coir. And everyone I know abreviates general hydroponics as GH because hydroponics is used as one word. The "P" threw me as well.
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