RooRman's Glass Collection - Try and top this!

Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

Damn man nice collection. I'm not even close to half that. That's gotta be a shitload of money.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

nice collection roorman
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

bluntman420 said:
nice collection roorman

Thanks Bluntman. Nice pics as well KL.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

Good god Roorman you've got some fancy pieces!! I've got 1 bong, 1 pipe, and 1 bubbler lol I'm jealous. :bongrip:

KittyLoaf, I wish I was the one who had bought your bongs and pipes, those are badass! :cool:
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

The hash oil pipe was given to me by my father, it used to be his. Everything else I bought at some point and time. The bubbler I managed to talk the guy down from $160 to $100.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

I only have 1 bong and 2 bowls, but that is b/c I love smoking blunts. I am moving to NY in May and I am gonna sell my bong before I leave FL. It is gonna hurt selling her but I don't want to bring her up there.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

urdedpal said:
You clean everytime? Most smokers don't. laziness I guess.

Yes, people are lazy as dogs. Is that any excuse to not slean your pipe out on a regular basis, I think not! By having a cleaner pipe you are saving your lungs from tar and also improving the pleasure of your smoking session. It's quality not quantity that matters, I'm sure you would agree urdedpal.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

urdedpal said:
I'll go clean my bong now.

Good man! Just be careful! I like to use iso and salt and just shake it around inside the pipe. Also, if you cut the ends off a cotton swab and throw them in the waterpipe it will help it to scrub it clean. The slides I like to clean the same way just without the swabs. You might have to flush it with this solution many times but then rinse it with hot water and it should come clean. I have cleaned some of the nastiest old shit off of some of my pipes and now they sparkle like brand new.

PS. It is totally worth it. The first hit off a clean glass waterpipe filled with cold water will make it all your effort seem worth it.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

Here it is. Nice and clean.
Time to dirty it!

Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

urdedpal said:
Here it is. Nice and clean.
Time to dirty it!

LOOKING SWEET urdedpal! You even got the slide nice and clean as well. Let me know how clean it hits now. Thats a nice waterpipe btw. Yes indeed now it is time to dirty it!
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

urdedpal said:
get a ash catcher?

Dude, I want one so bad! My old waterpipe used to have one before I broke the stem on it. They work very good and my headshop has them for only about $65. I was going to get one the last time I went there but I had already spent a good deal of money. Ahhh... decisions... decisions!
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

I know that u guys have a roor but mine also come perfectly clean but the female piece with the difusser its weird every thing sparking clean but there is a lil color and resin left behind and wont come off. i should probably soak it for a day or so an see if that helps.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

Yeah its weird i actually just cleaned it seems like it stained the glass every where else is spotless just a lil section of the diffuser lol its good thought after two smokes its all nasty again lol.
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

Are there little tiny bubbles in the glass Teg?
Re: RooRman's Collection- Try and top this!

Tiny bubbles in the glass are a sign of stress. If it has formed stress bubbles in the glass some parts are harder to clean because it gets right into the little pits in the glass.
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