RX Green Solutions for Hydroponics - To pH or not to pH?


New Member

This is my first time attempting to grow Cannabis, and I haven't been able to find a direct answer to this question so far..

I recently bought a hydroponics grow box from a company called Dealzer, I believe it's called Cash Crop 4.0. The box came as a "starter kit" with everything needed for a first grow (plugs, nets, light, reservoir, pump, etc). The nutrients they sent me are called "RX Green Solutions Grow - Part A & B" as well as one called "Bloom A & B" by the same company (picture below).

The directions on the bottle say that the nutrients will regulate the PH for me, and not to bother PHing... it also says that this is a "low PH product" and that the PH should be kept between 3.0 - 6.0, but that makes me nervous considering most places recommend between 5.5 - 6.5.

So I'm curious, has anyone used these nutes before? And what did you do? Should I follow the instructions of try to keep the PH in my water at the 5.5 - 6.5 range?


This is my first time attempting to grow Cannabis, and I haven't been able to find a direct answer to this question so far..

I recently bought a hydroponics grow box from a company called Dealzer, I believe it's called Cash Crop 4.0. The box came as a "starter kit" with everything needed for a first grow (plugs, nets, light, reservoir, pump, etc). The nutrients they sent me are called "RX Green Solutions Grow - Part A & B" as well as one called "Bloom A & B" by the same company (picture below).

The directions on the bottle say that the nutrients will regulate the PH for me, and not to bother PHing... it also says that this is a "low PH product" and that the PH should be kept between 3.0 - 6.0, but that makes me nervous considering most places recommend between 5.5 - 6.5.

So I'm curious, has anyone used these nutes before? And what did you do? Should I follow the instructions of try to keep the PH in my water at the 5.5 - 6.5 range?


I started my first grow in hydroponics with a kit also, but I used ( and still do) the GH Flora 3 pack. There are many, many sources that show where the pH range is safe, and I've never seen any that go below around 5. pH 3 is around the level of acidity of lemon juice. I test the ph and EC every couple of days to monitor. You really need to monitor pH, EC, and watch what your plants are using/not using. It's the only way to monitor nutrient uptake. Your nutrients are just salts dissolved in water. As they're used by the plant, there are less ions in the solution, so your pH can go up, and EC down. As these values rise and fall, they indicate what the plant is doing.

Sorry I got a bit long in the answer. But, no. I would not go below pH 5.2. There's a chart here (and in about a million other places) that shows nutrient uptake by pH. Simply Hydroponics - pH There's nothing listed below pH 4.5, because there's little or no nutrient uptake. Water that acidic would likely cause the plant to lose water back into the solution through osmosis, and the plant would wilt and die.

IMO, first grow, follow the instructions you can find on this site, and stay simple. Get a couple of good grows down, then experiment. Keeps what works best, lose the rest. It's a lot less complicated than it seems. Once you read all the articles you can find, you'll see what works.
Here's the chart that shows optimal uptake range for both soil and hydro.
So you know, coco coir is considered hydro when PHing your water. Ideal PH for soil is 6.4- 6.5, and ideal for hydro is 5.7-5.8........thats ideal. Always add your nutrients to your room rested water (24h), then PH last as different types of minerals and nutrients will make your pH fluctuate in an up-and-down Direction. Regardless of what the bottles say......I always PH....or try to. This is the result of not PHing.. .in my own hydro girl .
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