Second Scog Glookies

Awesome harvest man enjoy your new smoke!!

I live in a cool climate and heating my house makes it dry. I overdried my first harvest, second one I hung in my tent with a small humidifier that I got dialed into about 60% RH.

I also chopped and hung the entire plant so the moisture in the stems would help slow the dry, it worked amazingly. About 10 days later the stems were a little snappy and buds felt dry enough so I jarred. The RH was 70 after 24hrs in the jars which is exactly what I aim for. From there - daily or twice daily burps and tumbles slowly brought it down to 62% over two weeks.

Anytime I felt a jar wasn’t moving down or was a little too wet I just emptied it into a bin for a few hours then back into the jar. That’s what worked for me anyway!

I hang branches. Virtually impossible to get a whole plant out from under a scrog.

I thought about adding a humidifier, but it somehow seems like it could lead to a mold issue.

Paper bags slows it down nicely enough. The dry came out fine. It’s in jars now curing.

it’s warmer weather now. Next harvest won’t have the low humidity in the house.
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