Seed starting soil?


New Member
Is it necessary to get soil with no ferts in it to start seeds in? Or can you just use anything?

I'm asking because the plants that I start turn yellow and grow slow, and I think it's from them getting nute burns.

Any ideas?
yes it could be but i use soil with nute mine turn out fine, dont add extra nutes till the 2-3 week, just use water, if that what your doing then you may need to add just 1/4 strenght of fert and use that once a week and see if the plant recovers, and mine was doing the same thing both thing didnt work for me so i went and bought a bottle of Root Stimulator and my plant recovered and grow soo fast. here is wat i did i mixed 1/4 strenght of nutes with 1/2 strength Root Stimulator in Distilled/Filtered water and use that once or twice a week after your plant shows recovery and a boost in growth use this mixuture only for 2-3 weeks, then just use water and fert. so your plant will not be over fert with root stimulator.
You could also use Jiffy-7 pellets. They're sphagnum peat with lime and a low, seed safe fertilizer that has some ammonium content to just get the seedling going. The pellets have a pH of approximately 5.3 and are wrapped in an eco-friendly degradable net. I've successfully germinated seeds in them before, and they work great with the disposable 'greenhouse' they give you. You can find them at most garden centers --- I found mine at Wal-Mart; 72 pellets for five bucks isn't bad.
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