Seedling Health


420 Member
Hey guys, this is my first time growing and I was hoping for expert opinions on the looks of my seedlings. I have done a good amount of research on growing but as is with everything in life; there is no substitute for experience.

Temporary setup:

2000w LED light in veg mode about 21 inches above tops
humidifier (Humidity is still to low in the low 40%)
automatic heater to keep it above 80 F
Fox Farm organic soil
Seeds have been in soil for 2 1/2 days

I know that the humidity is super low and I plan on getting a grow tent tomorrow; which will help get my levels right, but I am more concerned about how small these look. Is this a normal size for the first week and what should I be expecting for the next 5-7 days? Also, is it advisable to place a plastic bag sprayed with water over my plants for added humidity? Any info would be greatly appreciate.



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Welcome to 420,straightup77-
I agree with bunkbudz-they look just fine for their age...
I wouldn't do the plastic bag thing-no reason for it once they pop out of the soil-
Let them get used to the environment they'll be growing in.
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