Seeds.. or cuttings? what do you prefer!


New Member
I have always been intersted in the reasons why some ppeople prefer seeds where as other prefer cuttings! I know the facts, cutting are geneticly perfect for garentee female, strain, easier, health etc.. I have started with both myself, and 2 be honest i prefer cuttings as for my own personal use it is easier. I have a good collection ( some being forgoten oabout) of seeds for emergancy. But what are the most popalor choice.... Seeds or Cuttings?
Re: seeds.. or cuttings?? what do you prefer!

I think you're right about the cuttings, it's just a better way of getting a (mostly guaranteed) strong, vigorous female, tho not always.

I've also worked with seed once or twice and somehow ended up with the fortune of never flowering a male. :wood:

But now that I am working with a bunch of different strains from clone, I'm thinking it would be cool to have a male or two of certain strains to experiment with crossing in my other strains. In that respect, starting from seed would be preferable (if you're into breeding). Starting from seed just takes more time and a little more work & careful attention at times but both ways have pros/cons and are equally rewarding IMO... :grinjoint:
Well all cuttings starts from seeds lol

I do like cuttings because you're able to see the mother plant

But sometimes growing from seed might get you a better plant
Both ways have thier pros & cons. I have grown both ways. If you want to really learn how to "GROW" , learn the life cycle of the plant, from seed is the way to go. This way you get larger plants, hence higher yield.
From clones is faster.
Which ever way you grow --just do it.
This (growing) can become addicting.
Yes cuttings are more prataclle, but obvouislyy when trying new strains it has be done through seeds, inless u have a very good army of growing friends!! I hopw this happens, ( people add me as friends for better comunication. Peace and bud
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