Shine On, Shine On Harvest Moon


New Member
The first full moon in Nov has a name. It's called the Harvest Moon.
It's the full moon that falls closest to the end of Oct.
It's called the Harvest Moon because it allowed the last crops of the season to be harvested on into the night.

With outdoor pot, harvest can occur anywhere from early Sept. to mid Nov.
It's a joyous time--once you get them safe and sound at home.
But the time between cutting them down and transporting them home is the most stressfull part of the entire process.
Here's how I would do it.

I'd go out in mid-day and just hang around the general area of my guerilla grow, keeping my eyes and ears open for any unusual activities. My pack would be empty except for thick heavy-duty Hefty bags, pruning shears and a folding saw.
The time I'd start was dependant on the phase of the moon. I'd harvest when most of the plant was at it's ripest, and if this was during a full moon then BITCHIN.
I'd start around dusk, using a headlamp if needed.
I'd never cut the entire plant down. I'd cut the branches off the standing plant. If I had time I'd cut the buds off the part of the branch that was closest to the main stalk--where the buds are interspaced with bare stem--to save space and weight.
I'd lay them on the ground and when I had enough I'd bag them, then bag that bag and bag that bag. Then I'd pack them away in my backpack.
Now the REAL stressful time.
I'd make my way up the trail. Before I got to my van I'd stash my pack in the bushes a hundred yards or so from the trailhead where my van was parked, go on up to my van to see if "the coast was clear". Then I'd retrieve my pack, toss it in the back of my van and head home, being ever so careful to obey all traffic laws. When I got home I'd wait until around 11 or midnight (when all the neighbors were asleep to bring them from my van to inside.

-Once I had a partner on a grow and we were walking up the dusty fire road about 9 or 10 p.m. Our packs were stuffed full of fresh-cut ganja.
And then as we turned a "corner", we see a flashlight up ahead. Someone was coming down the trail! Very very unusual for someone to come down the trail at that time of night.
Now even though we had triple-bagged out buds, the smell was still noticable.
As we passed the hiker we said "hey" and continue. After we had passed I glanced back and the guy had stopped, his nose in the air. He looked back at us and grinned a wide grin.
The next spring I was down in the canyon fishing and I see that hiker. I recognized him because of his long blonde ponytail. He stopped and for a minute we talked about fishing.
Then he smiled said "I hope I didn't scare you and your friend last year when we passed on the trail".
Playing dumb, I said "why would that scare us?"
And he said "I was on my way in to do the same thing you had just done." Then he continued on his way.
I saw and chatted with him several times after that and we never mentioned pot. But I knew he knew and he knew I knew he knew.

-Another time I get to my van and threw my pack in the back of my van. The drive home entailed driving on a winding mountain road for 30 minutes.
About five minutes into the drive a cop car roars up behind me and lights me up.
Again, although the pot was bagged the smell was very noticable, I knew that the second I rolled the window down the cop would be able to smell it.
So I'm looking for a turnout so I could pull over, my mind already tring to figure out how much my bail would be and who I could call to go it.
I pull over at a turn-out and the cop whips around me and continue's on his way. He wasn't concerned with me at all.
A bit later, near the freeway onramp I see him and another cop car. They had a car pulled over, and were handcuffing the driver, for what I don't know.
The rest of the trip home was uneventful.
But when I got home I had to change my pants.
your stories are all very informative and humorus(sp?) i think your wisdom and insight is very valuable. please keep the stories coming:allgood:

Peace and happiness - and Romulan:peace:
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