Smokin Jokin Senior Citizen..Hi To you Young Pups..X


New Member
Just Joined This Forum Nothing I enjoy Most Than growing my own...and...Getting Horizontal..working hard always so it always puts a smile on face when I see others of my age Missing Out...If only they Knew the pleasure of Weed...XX
G'day yazz, good people here... Take it you don't watch cricket?.... You can always start a journal and show how old timers grow it... Peace bro
Good day to you...Prefer to watch the Stars ....Cricket ..Nope...Yes this looks like a very good Place To Visit Love Good People ...Peace and Love to you xxx
Hey there Yazz, you seem enthusiastic about cannabis. I agree it is unfortunate that some older folks don't know the pleasures of cannabis, and are stuck in the "reefer madness" mindset for lack of a better example. My nan just agreed to let me help treat her diabetes with cannabis extracts, its going to be a little until there is a garden for her but she's open to it and I'm thankful for that, I would hate for her to be afraid of it like some sort of dangerous junkie substance.

There are some amazing members here like 420Motoco, who's posts will teach you how to make cannabis extracts to treat you and your family safely and effectively. Thats just to name one awesome member and what they do, there is dozens, or hundreds, or maybes even thousands of really helpful people here.

I am a new member myself only joining in April, but welcome to the community!
Hello Greeley, thank you for your message, having just joined I will spend some Time Exploring this Site I must Say Looks like I have Missed something Special here,so thank you, The Elderly are really being poisoned in my view most older people are dosed up on painkillers up to 8 a day etc and they have been proved to do more damage than good as with lots of other ailments and treatments...Big pharma needs sick people.....|I use cannabis for pain relief and for pleasure which is of course a side effect, so look forward to learning more...Bless you...Yazz xx
Hello Greeley, thank you for your message, having just joined I will spend some Time Exploring this Site I must Say Looks like I have Missed something Special here,so thank you, The Elderly are really being poisoned in my view most older people are dosed up on painkillers up to 8 a day etc and they have been proved to do more damage than good as with lots of other ailments and treatments...Big pharma needs sick people.....|I use cannabis for pain relief and for pleasure which is of course a side effect, so look forward to learning more...Bless you...Yazz xx
I know exactly what you mean. My nan is on a dozen different pills and she injects with insulin every single day, but she's still going blind and she can't feel her feet. She's going to lose her feet and vision if I don't help her before its too late. Her medications from the big pharma companies are partially covered but if she wants medical cannabis she needs to pay dispensary bills which is far too expensive, its not covered by anyone. It sickens me.

I'm happy the world is coming around but it just makes me sad when I think of all the people we've lost to things like cancer and how this plant could have played a part in saving them.
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