Something for the Story Thread!!!

SeXy VeXy

New Member
by: SeXy VeXy

So once upon a time there was a pothead named Vexy. She was about to go to work but decided that she'd smoke one last bowl before she left. Choosing her favourite pipe, Squiggles, she learned that Squiggles was quite unuseable due to the large amount of resin and pot collected in the bowl. "hmmm." she thought. "what should I do? I want to smoke out of THIS pipe but it be clogged....what to do now?" Thinking to herself, she suddently got a brilliant idea..."I'll SMOKE IT" she shouted to no one in particular, being only her and cats in the apartment. So to work she went, smoking all that wicked pot and resin that was preventing her from enjoying a sweet sweet bowl before work. It seemed to take forever, there was just SO much. Finally, she finished and was actually able to easily pull air through her beloved pipe. But as she reached for her trusty baggie of pot (that's right I said POT POT POT not a COP lol) she realized "wow. I'm really fuckin stoned. I think if I were to smoke an actual bowl I would be unable to bike to work".
Moral of The Story?
I smoke too much weed because my pipe is far beyond smokable. Even though I've cleared it for now, it won't take long (2 more bowls or so) and it'll be back to clogged.
What Have I Learned?
I need to pull out the iso and clean my pipe so it's actually functional.
And that it's a good thing I bought a new pipe in Vancouver so I still have a useable pipe to take to work.

Okay, well I figured not much happens in this forum so I'd add a little something special, such as this jewel of a story. I know it certainly wouldn't pass any grammatical or punctuation tests but shut up I'm really BAKED!! :D
And come to think of it....maybe I will go smoke that bowl now....
Avatar2332 said:
haha, just use a different piece :p
See, the if you've smoked from Squiggles you'd understand this dilemma....Squiggles is just

Nice story!!!
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