Support Medical Marijuana

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
I have firsthand knowledge of someone who routinely provides people with highly addictive, potentially lethal drugs on a daily basis. He does this openly and seems to have little fear of being caught. In addition, he makes a substantial amount of money doing this. OK, now I am ready to identify him: He is my physician.

The first thing any health care provider wants is to "do no harm," as stated in the original Hippocratic oath. How can this said health care provider first "do no harm" if the legal drugs he or she is prescribing to a patient have undesirable side effects or can potentially become addictive to the patient? There is one drug with well-documented benefits — particularly for terminal cancer patients and people suffering from AIDS — a drug used by at least three U.S. presidents, a drug with virtually no potential for addiction and no major side effects other than perhaps the "munchies" and a newfound appreciation for Phish. This drug is tetrahydrocannabinol, otherwise known as marijuana.

I ask: Is it fair for patients suffering insurmountable amounts of pain to be denied access to a treatment that can offer them some amount of relief just because of politics? Political opinions opposing the availability of medical marijuana to those who need it are dictated by old fashioned and negative stereotypes of marijuana users. Equating an individual who is so sick from chemotherapy that she can barely eat with a college student who smokes recreationally is an incredibly insensitive and narrow viewpoint.

If scientific research and data have shown marijuana to be an effective method of treatment for certain symptoms of often very painful illnesses, then our government really should mind its own business. The politicians are not the ones who attend medical school, complete fellowships or see the pain that terminally ill patients endure on a daily basis. Health care providers are the experts of their field and the government needs to stop trying to make marijuana into a political football to be played in a selfish arena to further their own personal agendas.

The bottom line is that, had any other plant been discovered with the same therapeutic effects that marijuana provides, it would be hailed as a sort of "miracle drug." Instead, because marijuana has such a vivid history in the United States, personal and political opinions are taking precedent over the opinions of those who really know what they are talking about. My question to those opposed to medical marijuana is this: What are you smoking?

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Kayla Raden
Copyright: 2010
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