The 4x4 Grow Tent Club

I recently had a need for more humidity, so this is what i did.

Ill check in a couple hours to see the results and adjust it


I dunked the whole cloth in the water at first to get it started, you can kinda see where its wet
So i got about 5-7%RH from that after a little adjustment, not much, but a second bowl might help. Ill try turning the oscillating fan down too. I sprayed the walls to sse how much difference that makes in the meantime
Well I got about a 5% increase from it. I did the other thing too. The swamp cooler method. That kicked it up almost 20%. I made some alterations to the design. I'll post pics soon

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i havent done scrog yet, but from what ive seen the net should be like 8-12 inches over the pot, so there is room to start training into the net.

there are a ton of scrog journals on here, any of them will have pictures to compare to!
I too am a member of the 4x4 club. However, I am only using a 3x3 tray in it until I build my cob light bars.

What kind are ya building,
I saw some plans for a 100w setup on 2 8' beams
so for me it would be 4 4' beams
Total price I checked out from all the sites was 200.38
Minus shipping
Thinking I would go with the 600 to hurry up and get my grow going then build this over time.
alot cheaper than going with a store bought and this would be 1000w not 700 like the store bought ones are.
Both of these plants grew really well. It's got to a point where I think I need to separate them. Can I do that without hurting the roots or should I just let them keep growing together?


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What kind are ya building,
I saw some plans for a 100w setup on 2 8' beams
so for me it would be 4 4' beams
Total price I checked out from all the sites was 200.38
Minus shipping
Thinking I would go with the 600 to hurry up and get my grow going then build this over time.
alot cheaper than going with a store bought and this would be 1000w not 700 like the store bought ones are.

Hey BlazingBill! I'll be building a couple of 200w cree cob bars. Using the cxb3590 cd by cree.
Both of these plants grew really well. It's got to a point where I think I need to separate them. Can I do that without hurting the roots or should I just let them keep growing together?


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You are in soil, but I have up to 9 plants in one 2 gal pot(perlite hempy) flowering. You can separate them also, just a matter of choice and space. 9 Pineapple Express clones in 1 pot

Also what Kingsnake said about the scrog net/screen is true you'll want some clearance to "work/water" beneath the scrog and the top of the pot. That will work as a support for now, you'll maybe want to add another net above that one, or move that up a bit so you can guide the tops. I've only done 4 scrogs thus far. They are modular as I run a perpetual grow and screens take up real estate. Also, I move my plants around all the time.
Pineapple Express ModScrog recently chopped.


Aother to replace it.

Hey BlazingBill! I'll be building a couple of 200w cree cob bars. Using the cxb3590 cd by cree.

I just saw a video on youtube of a guy showing how to build a light with those cree's
If ya search for cxb3590 on ebay ya will see a light like the one he built.
Good luck to ya and hope ya post some pics of it.
Thanks for the info. I didn't realize how weak that net was a till you guys pointed it out. So I took your advice and actually built my own scrog net today out of 3/4" pvc on 3/4 and 1/4 is done in half inch because that's what I had laying around. Rather than run it straight across like I saw most people doing, I wrapped my net around the underside of the pvc for aesthetic reasons. I just like the look better. I tied the net myself out of masonry line. It took about 4 hours so I just benge watched some Oz with the old lady and tied it all up.

When I went looking for instructions, I didn't find any specifically for tents so I just built one myself. If anyone wants the dimensions it's 3/4" pvc that measures 42" across and 20" deep. It has 4 90° elbows. I screwed screws under the pvc and wrapped the line around going across all along the 42" sides. Then I wrapped the line going the other way but instead of going just straight cross, I looped around each line. This allows you to move the lines and make the squares as big or as small as you want them to be. I'm gonna post more pictures as soon as my phone charges. Here's a start. Thanks for the advice! I'm much happier now.

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The PVC was about 5 bucks for 10', the elbows were 98¢, the line was about 6 bucks. I already had the screws and a saw. You can also use nylon rope to cut pvc but I don't think you should use nylon to make your net because I'm under the impression it can cut in to your plants.

Any input welcome.

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I just saw a video on youtube of a guy showing how to build a light with those cree's
If ya search for cxb3590 on ebay ya will see a light like the one he built.
Good luck to ya and hope ya post some pics of it.

Yea greengenes, is the guy. I saw his and growmau5's vids and just had to take the plunge.i'd rather build my own as opposed to buying another diy'ers lights. That way, if it fails. I can only blame myself. I will definitely document the build.

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The only thing I'd say(only because I'm anally ocd). To get the strings taut, instead of wrapping the line around the pvc, wrap it around the nails. One side across to the other east/west or north/south, then when ya get to the alternate directions for the cross, go over one line and under the next, that way the line supports itself and stays taut. Your branches will want to push up, if theres no resistance to the push,they will go where they want as opposed to where you want them. The ladies respond quickly to having their branches bent,twisted,redirected etc. Nicely done Cpla. :goodjob Hope it helped

Edit* your screen is fine and will work great.

I used to tie up soccer goals this way too. It's hard to explain exactly how I did it but basically, the net can actually support my weight. I sat on it to test it out in fact. I can actually move the squares too making them bigger or smaller.

My biggest concern is lighting. I have 2 300 watt LED's from KING LED sitting on 4 plants but I'm only taking 3 to harvest. Am I under doing it? How many plants can you guys normally fit in a tent doing scrog? Do I need more lights? I have a 50 watt UVA(A)(B) light to put in for the last two weeks because I read the stress from the UV causes the plant to overproduce THC to protect the plant from the radiation. I've read this causes a 5% increase in THC levels. Other than that, I don't plan on adding any other lights. Is this ok?

Also, CalMag. Necessary? I'm using RO water so I know it lacks calcium. I've read skim milk and water can accomplish the same thing. True?

Any other advice is welcome. Thanks you guys a TON

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