The Flyin Hawaiian


New Member
Aloha all, my name is HONU and I am from Oahu, Hawaii. I like to smoke (A LOT) but also bodyboard and play videogames. Christ I am 40 years old and sound like a kid... thank god for pot keeping you young! I have a lot more going on besides what I do for fun but since Bush is still fighting the drug war I cant get to much into that stuff. My girlfriend (Cricket is her name) is an artist with a few pieces in a new showing if anyone is interested in checking us out. The showing is at the Mercury bar on Fort St., It opens on 6/6/6 and the theme is 'satanic'. She has a great piece called 'devil dog' that makes me laugh every time I see it.

Right now I am hoping to get something going to help the legalization push here in Hawaii (our hawaii NORML group is, like, 2 people) and to raise awareness regarding the pending extradition of Marc Emory to the US.

I've been visiting pot sites since the web emerged, watched sites and seedmerchants come and go, and still we are burdoned with the yoke of criminality for choosing a safe recreational drug with fewer side effects and greatly reduced toxicity compared to alcohol. Most of us are taxpayers, upstanding (if wobbly) citizens with jobs, families, homes... and the jobs, families and homes will all go 'poof' if uncle sam finds out our dumb little secret.

Stay safe folks, and as we say in the islands: Malama Pono (nurture what is right).
heyy welcome to da site!!! lucky i wish i was in hawaii right about now!!!
a HONU, welcome to the site. where in oahu do you live i used to live there in nanakuli/waianae and kailua.
Welcome, wish I was blazin' some good Pacalolo right now.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!
Local boy- I was raised in Makaha, now I live in Wahiawa. I bodyboarded all up and down the leeward coast between 1979 and now so if you surf we prolly surfed together at some point.
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