Thoughts on legalization?


New Member
Okay, so everyone here (within the U.S.) wants our beloved herb to be legalized. I know a lot of us are hoping that with a new generation of politicians and Supreme Court justices, there will hopefully be a more open-minded view towards marijuana. But then I started noticing how all kinds of justices are being replaced by younger, Republican justices. Now I don't care about party affiliation, but surely having young and very conservative minds in the Supreme Court is not going to help our cause.

Then I had another thought... my small town, the police KNOW that lots of people smoke. They KNOW that me and my best friend smoke. Yet... they've never hasseled the two of us. So I started to wonder why. I think it's because of two reasons: (1) They notice we aren't stirring up any trouble whatsoever and (2) they realize that marijuana is not quite as bad as it's cracked up to be.

So this gave me hope. Maybe "we the people" can't persuade the Supreme Court, but perhaps a younger generation of law enforcement will be able to persuade them. If more and more officers become lax on marijuana enforcement, it'll be akin to decriminalization anyhow. So if more and more officers decide that it's not a huge problem for those of us that like to smoke a little herb, then maybe they will one day be able to tell the Supreme Court something along the lines of: "look, people are going to smoke weed. Just like people are going to drink alcohol. It makes no sense to waste countless hours of manpower hunting down harmless marijuana users and prosecuting them."

I don't know, it's still a dream. But perhaps a more realistic one than the Supreme Court changing it's own mind?

Tell me what you think. I'm bored, this popped into my head, and it seemed interesting. Oh, and I'm sober at the moment... (but my friend has some Juicyfruit and G-13, so not for long :) )

Stay high, everybody! :smokin:
im shure at least one member of politics smokes weed, u gotta find out who and confince them to confince there peers! im a genious i know..
That's one of the big problems too, though.

I agree, I'm sure plenty of politicians smoke herb, let alone other things. The problem is, the way our system is set up, no politician is ever going to make a stand for what's right. And why? Because all politicians are concerned primarily with two things:

(1) Re-elections
(2) covering their own ass

So who knows, but I'm about tired of anything I hear come out of a politician's mouth.
most cops wont vouch that pot is okay when they're put up in front of the court. But pot is legalizing itself. Everyday more people find out about how pot isn't as harmful as they'd thought, and everyday more people smoke it. I'm gonna sit back and let pot legalize itself, in my eyes, it's already partly legal. So many people smoke it, illegal or not.
I think some of the police forces in some cities are realizing they are spending lots of money and time, prosecuting pot, and they are just decriminlizing it. now the penaltys are still there if you are dealing or have large amounts but simply smoking and having small amount is not worth the time for the police forces out there, they have alot more problems out there.
yeah I've gotten caught for smokin a joint by a park. The cop just took it and smashed it into the ground and told us to get out of there. I don't think they care too much anymore, unless they're a new cop.
I've heard of cases of the cops taking the weed but letting them keep their pipes and not writing a ticket. I've heard of cops that just leave it alone completely only looking for harder drugs. I have personally had a bong taken while I was getting arrested for a DUI (alcohol) and he never wrote a ticket for the bong. But I've been arrested for only 1.5 grams before too and had to spend 5 days in jail.
I don't think I would have been popped for the weed if I hadn't pissed the cop off. It's mostly attitude that gets you busted.
If they wanted too it would be so easy to find us we label our cars with Seedless stickers and 420 we're on the internet spilling our guts about all the pot we smoke. It's obviously not that big on their agenda unless you live in some back water town run by rednecks.
I think what old smokey said is true. We just have to do our part also. We need to keep showing everyone how great pot really is, until more people smoke it than not. Then, it would be good for congressmens images to help legalize it.
Okay, sorry it took me so long to check back on my own thread...

...I see what you guys are saying. I think in my city's case, it is most likely the police realizing it's a waste of time to prosecute the "small fish".

Then again, stoner_123 made a good point. There would definitely be a lot of protesting if weed were legalized officially. But... that would have to eventually stop... right? It reminds me of something my friend told me. He said "you can't genuinely knock something if you've never tried it". Which, to a reasonable extent, I believe to be true (obviously we can all knock murder, etc.). Hopefully the protestors would be persuaded by us? Actually, one would hope the protestors wouldn't even protest, due to the fact that just about all the propoganda can be shot down.

Hell, scientists still haven't been able to link marijuana to lung cancer, despite their best efforts and most in-depth research/testing. Plus, it's got so many medicinal benefits. And that's another reason why- if it's made legal- there better not be one damn protestor. They would really protest the legality itself, thus pushing for an agenda that would cause a suffering fellow human [someone with a script for medical herb] to endure more suffering by taking away one of the few things that alleviates the pain? Perhaps human compassion would stop the protestors before they start?

Oh well, who knows. Another good point is that it's still a long ways away. I just hope it'll be legal by the time I retire (in around 20-30 years). :smokin:
People need to be responsible if we want it to be legalized. Public Saftey at my school has to know me and my friend smoke, but were not trashing the halls or puking all over the place... if potheads aren't causing problems, people won't have problems with them...
^^Yeah, that's one of the things I was getting at originally. I definitely agree.
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