'Up in smoke' raided

turning into America, one step at a time ;)
^^Agreed, The problem is the new conservative Canadian government is the lap dog of our American government. They are all lining up with salviating mouths to see who gets to suck our peckers first. I really hope the canadian voter fixes this at their next election. Dont make the same mistakes America made; dont vote in a conservative, dumb ass government. Just think how many other, beneficial things could have been done with the money it took to raid, arrest, house and feed these "notorious" pot smokers. How many homeless, jobless, and destitute people could have benefited from this money and concentration of resources? If you want the American life style, move to America. If you want a Candaian lifestyle, vote in polititicians who believe in Canadian soverignty.
Dam, Instead of the " Legalization " getting better, its getting worse, Now canada's getting down on us pot smokers .... No, not the rapers, murderers. They have to go and raid these hard working american/canadian citizens that dont do anything wrong, except smoke weed.
420am&pm said:
Dam, Instead of the " Legalization " getting better, its getting worse, Now canada's getting down on us pot smokers .... No, not the rapers, murderers. They have to go and raid these hard working american/canadian citizens that dont do anything wrong, except smoke weed.

Theyre thinking with their pocket books, and using religious ideals and moral law to conceal their plans for economic policies surely to be put in place...at least thats whats going on this side of the border
i found the minister of justice's ( Hon. Irwin Cotler) email address for canada, Cotler.i@parl.gc.ca

he is the man that will decided to send them to america or not, Please email him and ask canada not to turn in to america when it comes to it's drug policy.
You might also send him an email requesting that your own citizen, mark Emery, not be turned over to the US where he will most likely be sentenced to life in OUR prison for something the Candian government never jailed him for.
undercover cops raided yet another shop today... what's happening in canada??

god fucking damnit I FUCKING HATE GOVERNMENT!!!!! (except for the very few things they are useful for) I'm sick of power hungry and money greedy people who don't even think about what the reprocussions are upon the people ... how would these motehrfuckers like to be jailed for smokin reefer?? They would fucking hate it but they don't have to worry about that shit cuz they're a bunch of cocksuckin fuckstains!!!!!

One of these days I'm gonna buy my own fucking island where the weed grows everywhere and no one hassles me, and of course ya'll are welcome to come too. :cool:

Now if I could just find a way to rob Bill Gates .....
Booo... Down with the government (Runs off to start fire and flip cars). Canada is having lots of problems after that whole switch in the government thing. They should have left that other guy in power. He was better for stoners.
Us bad illegal drug smokers have no say at all in this. We can go protest all we want and get put in jail, why? Becaues we are fighting for our freedom?
^^I agree with you so much, this is suppose to be the "land of the free" yet when we try and make changes in the government, or try to express or freedom(by smoking pot) and we can't do it.
Have any of you read the actual article before replying here? The reason they were busted was cuz the employees were smoking weed openly and had about 2 oz in the store. Even those our laws here in Canada are more leniant, smoking in public and selling has zero tolerance and you could be arrested. In the article it also said that the store has been visitied by police around 200 times in the last 18 months.

I agree 420% that with this stupid conservative party trying to run the country marijuana laws wil probably only be re-enforced, but for fucks sake, if you run a headshop, don't mix legal sales with illegal sales. They just got fuct over by there own stupidity, period.
I agree with DaHui, even though the laws are more leaniant in Canada how ever you look at it Cannabis is still an illeagal substance for non-med users wheather you like it or not.
i went a conservative school Grove city college in the early reagan years one of my core courses made us read a study about how much tax money the govt was losing out on in california due to a 5-7 Billion dollar industry that wasn't being taxed [ the industry-- the good herb!!!] if every one of us wrote our local;state;and federal represative saying we would be willing to pay 50 or 100 dollars for a liscence [sp]to smoke pot at the cityor county and state and federal level theyd be cumming in church thinking about screwing with all that new money and hoping getting the pastors wife stoned would get them into her pants!!
I agree with DaHui, even though the laws are more leaniant in Canada how ever you look at it Cannabis is still an illeagal substance for non-med users wheather you like it or not.
True. But you have to admit, canada over the last couple of years has begun to move steadily towards a complete decriminalization of pot (didnt oart iof the country actualy vote on it witha narrow loss? Memory is a bit fuzzy on this, help me out...) and now that your government has been replaced with the conservatives, that's going the way of the dinosaur.
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