We MMJ patients should help each other


New Member
Hello, I am a MMJ patient. I believe that the prices are very high especially today and when your sick your probably not working. All of us who have paperwork and who are able to should have a within state place to obtain starts, seeds or whatever to share with other patients who desperately need this medicine. We cannot go like in California and buy starts for 15.00 I don't want to cross state lines or do anything illegal. We should be perfectly fine within the state. Those who can should be able to contact someone to be able to get the starts for medical supply for medical reasons only. It is such a shame that anyone would allow a politician between their doctor and his patient. We are not little kids looking for a buzz, we are people in our sixties and seventies who wish to take mmj rather then narcotics so we can still have a sex life and enjoy the remaining days of our lives. I really hope that those of us who desperately need this don't get the shaft because a few will abuse the situation. I can get one cutting every month from the dispensary here and most of the time they are in really bad shape. any suggestions would be helpful.
Well one is all you really need to start up. You grow it into a medium plant and take cuttings yourself...dont flower the plant as long as you keep 13+ hours of light on it daily itll stay in veg growth mode and you can det hundrededs of plants from that one start (not trying to insult but thats why they are called "starts" to get you started :) )gl to you :)

P.S. I agree we do need to help eachother. FInd or start a local group for your area so you can. This is what im in the process of doing right now as well. Youll have to build the infrastructure as it doesnt exist.
I know exactly what to do the problem is genetic availability. I remember people doing clones in the sixties. There were people in Wisconsin believe it or not that also grew tobacco that knew all about that stuff. I was kind of surprised back then. I need to know more about seed banks and safety
without clone avalibility at the clinic I attend, I am left with the chore of saving seeds form the bags I am forced to buy on the black market. keep in mind that "bag seed" in alot of cases is good smoke, and probably a reconized strain. If you get lucky enough to get ahold of some seeds from a bag of medicine you liked, you can grow from this as well. I also wish I had acsess to recognized strains in clone form, I'd love buy the strains I prefer and have one mother from each of my favorites.....from there on out, just produce your own specific type of "high" depending upon harvest time. Others have been working on a larger network (outside the greater seattle area) to provide medicine to legaly reccomended patiants here, but It will be time before the services are available to more of us.
Of course your all right. Until everyone realizes the benefits of a non addictive pain killer as opposed to opiates we will have resistance. The drug companies want a share of any profits of course and they can't control this. It's natural and easy to do for personal use or medicine. Personally I love indica. That works best for me as medicine.
Hi, Oh well. I found out my fate yesterday and I don't look forward to having chemotherapy. I hate pain and I hate feeling bad for days and days on end. I guess there's not much i can do about it is there? I'm screwed.
Hi, I guess everyone figures that there is nothing better then a politician between you and your doctor. How about a cop? Who needs medical training when you have a gun and a badge? Let's just screw everybody and tell everyone how to live their lives because after all this is a free country and freedom means walking the line or else. That's why we fight and die in the army so we can come back and have our rights shoved up our ass. I have seen good honest dispensaries and three now that are predators. I grew up in Chicago and was born in Cicero and i know EXACTLY what i am talking about. We mmj patients need honest providers. I have a conscience.
So here we are....on a dawn of a new day. I know it sounds cheesey, but WTF, it now sounds as though we may loose the major oppisition of our fedral government. Keep an eye on things for the next few months.... If Obama makes good on the latest press release, we could have the oppurtunity to have unrestricted (by the feds) availibility to our medicine. The end of the tunnel may still be far, but the light is getting brighter!
I feel for you with the Chemo......it is what it is, just enjoy each day for all its worth and welcome each tomorrow. just my 2 cents, but it sounds like an early harvest of MMJ would be spot on right now. Black Diamond for me tommorrow my brother, I'll be thinking about you as I roll on through.
Hi, Maybe I am thinking of someone else but I thought the Black Diamond thing just had major surgery? Out of commission for a couple of weeks? Seattle seems to be the safest However Bonney lake and Buckley are much cheaper. I may be sick but I am also a 3rd degree black belt so I am not going to be coerced into buying an inferior product. How did some of these rip off artist get into the legal provider business and what can we do about it? There are good ones out there and we need to protect them. We are going to have to police our own ranks and keep it honest or we will lose this all together. I have 43 years experience, Don't try to B.S. me. I don't want a salesman I want a provider, I'm not going to get off on some crap just because you talk it up. I made a six figure income I am not some brain damaged moron who can't tell if i am high or not! If you are some offshoot of a happy crime family trying to offload your commercial b.s. don't waste my time as I am not interested in wasting my money. I have a serious disease and I need serious medicine and i take my life and trying to save it seriously. I told three hundred people how to do their jobs everyday, no one is going to convince me that a sow's ear is a silk purse. How could someone be so low as to try to rip off a cancer patient? Beside having studied 7 different martial arts styles before settling on Won Hop Con Do and Chuin Fa, I also have my ccwp. The providers that work out of a establishment and let you have a choice and try etc. are honest and are what this is all about, The ones that want to drive around and offer one choice and try to jam it down your throat? I would much rather pay 360 for something that works then 200 for some borderline b.s. I am not doing this so I can watch Saturday Night Live, I'm doing this so I can be alive on saturday night in the future. I had to sign a pain management contract yesterday so I am in new territory now. I grew up a skinny kid on the sreets of Chicago and I have been a fighter my whole life just to survive. Since now I am going to retire that will free me to do what needs to be done with the mmj question. I was trained professionally to give speeches to large crowds by my employer over the past decade so I am gathering up the tools to present a rock solid argument. I have good friends who are lawyers and doctors and college professors who may not do this themselves but who recognize that this is a wrong that needs to be made right. We are presenting a case against a very strong paradigm. 100 years of propaganda is a hard rock to move. There are some people who still think the earth is only ten thousand years old and all the scientist are in a evil plot to delude us all. We have to present our case in a way that EVERYONE will understand and accept. In the mean time keep it honest and get the hairballs out of the business.
WIth all due respect to your passion and perspective, why is your martial arts training and concealed weapons permit sprinkled into this discussion? Are you being physically threatened due to your attempts to obtain healthy legal meds? Your use of those terms seems like a veiled threat. Just curious.
No martial artist of any rank at all would ever in a million years start a fight. I have absolutely nothing to prove to anyone. I am 60 years old. I am under a gag order by my employer and the United States Government to not talk about what I did for a super large Military industrial complex. I don't even want to mention the name. I traveled to different places and was trained in self defense for security reasons. I'm not going to just let someone rip me off for the hell of it. I am going to warn them that it is not a good idea to do so. I am curious as to why it would bother you if I don't like rip off artist? I made a six fig. income i own my house and i have 5 cars a large boat and a motorcycle. I have a clean record, do you think I am the kind of guy that runs around looking for fights and waving a gun around? I am actually the exact opposite, No matter what anyone says there is always going to be someone who will take it the wrong way or misinterpret completely. I just started treatment for my problem and will have 45 weeks of chemo plus I have another more painful problem that is also being dealt with. Maybe I am on the wrong forum and you don't welcome people like me I do not know at this point in my life. I just wanted to talk to someone who maybe had the same interest as me. I love good indica but just because someone smokes weed doesn't make them a good person. I don't get along with speed freaks or most junkies either. Weed is the only drug, including alcohol, that does not have a significant liability factor and it should be legalized. I believe this truthfully. I believe 100 percent in the promotion and legalization of marijuana and if that makers me someone who should be on this forum then God bless you, If not then have a nice life as I have other things I can do.
Wow. As far as I know and am concerned you're welcome here. My reason for responding was just as I stated. I don't have a problem with self defense, I was just wondering why flying fists and guns were an item in the discussion. This is a forum for discussion. Don't run off just because of me. I sincerely hope you can find the quality of medicine you need. It seems like you want to be more active in Cannabis awareness, which I fully support. I'm impressed with your success in business and your accumulation of wealth. As you know, it's all good for nothing if you can't maintain a decent quality of life, which I see is your goal. Best wishes and God bless you too. :peace:
Thank You, I went from absolutely nothing. I was pooping outside in an outhouse and not because I wanted to. To being able to retire now. I'm not trying to be arrogant or anything I just want honesty. Back in 1967 say if i went to some guys house and he tried to sell me a bag of sage for kief I'd be pissed that he would think that I would be that stupid to buy it. At 60 and having traveled and been in the army i know what good weed is and i don't just get a contact high. I used to get the legal hashish from nepal from before 1974 and just one hit WOULD do it. The stuff they are selling even in the good dispensaries does not compare with that. If you take hash plant buds and separate the crystals from the vegetable matter then heat them up so they just melt they turn from whitish yellow to jet black and hard as a rock. You might have to separate it like you would gold panning to get all the crystal to one side of say a cookie sheet. That is how you make the good hashish. If it is the right strain it will be almost un-smokeable to hold down. Some people mix in powdered weed to calm it down but I do not like that. I would like to be part of this forum and the one thing you will get from me is honesty. I won't tell ya nothing that doesn't work and work well. I care absolutely nothing about quantity I am ONLY interested in the quality of the medicine i take. I want as few inhalations as possible for the effect i want for medicinal purposes. I want no joke one toke that's my goal ehhh, maybe one or two more just for good measure. Have a good one I am going for a cat scan now.
As a matter of fact I'm working on some Hash Plant bubble hash these days myself. I also am after one-hit medication, and this does it for me. It's a little green, probably a coarser seive....but it is sticky as anything and if you squeeze it between your fingers it turns black. I've smoked the best hash available imported to the US in the '70s, including Napalese, Lebanese, and Afghani. Although I miss the exotic nature of hash imported from distant lands, this stuff suits me just fine. And, yes, on occasion 2 or 3 hits are better than one because it allows me to laugh hysterically at funny things, despite what's going on in my life and in the world. Best wishes. ;)
Thank You, Things have turned around completely. It was not my stoner friends either but from the group that always does what they say they will do. The college professors the doctors the lawyers. I did not expect them to be so supportive. I got more help then I expected. I'm actually in a genetic surplus position suddenly. Now it is totally up to me to remember the way. I was surprised at how much I forgot
Hey hoppie. I'm really glad things are going so much better for you. Cannabis, fully appreciated, is the most amazing plant creation known to man. :peace:
Hi, I was going to do something at home but now i wont have to. I guess there is this club for ex scientist and engineers who for legitimate reasons need compassionate mmj that no one knows about and no one can call up or anything they contact you only and only if you meet strict guidlines such as what you did for a living. Anyway I'll get everything for free. So, I'll let them handle it. Thanks for the help. So many of these guys being ex scientist they must be very picky because there is no comparison to the lower grades from the dispensaries.
I'm in a different mental state then I was a few weeks ago. Everything has changed. I am absolutely over joyed that i no longer have to associate myself with a criminal element to procure something that has actually saved my life. All of my old friends are dead, they didn't know we all got hep c in the army and all the ones who started drinking died of liver failure and didn't even know why. They didn't have the test until like 1994 I think. If I had drank instead, I would be dead right now. Today it is helping me through the treatment and for the problem I have with my lower spine right now. I really hope that others have the opportunity to use a non addictive drug before they have to jump to narcotics. A politician doesn't belong between the doctor and his patient. My doctor has only done this for one other patient, I hope that a few bad apples don't turn this into a joke and ruin it for those who really and truly need this medicine. Public opinion on this is going to be really important.
as a provider for 6 people all legal I have an understanding of it from the providers pov.
i am perhaps the only provider I know of that is fair with my patients, many people tell me they were paying 60 bucks for an 1/8th for mids and 90 and 1/8th for the gooey or other top shelf stuff.
this is rediculous and i hate it bad karma to those that charge sick people too much for their medicine.
my patients each give me 100 dollars a month and i keep them steadily provided with great quality buds hash oils and edibles. imo thats a fair price as my electric bill alone is 300 bucks a month.
so i can tell you that indeed getting and keeping a perpetual ghrow that will support 6 -7 people is a part time job 20 plus hours a week and though it may seem fun and exciting its work lots of it from clone to trim a lot of work goes into a good bud if its done right.
for those i meet that I decide i can sell to i would prob charge 10 bucks a gram.
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