Weed must be a pleasure not an evil: Here is my story


420 Member
Hello friends. I want to share my life experiences with weed…Also, i did a mini test with a cheap, simple cigarette tar filter and I wanted to share the results with you guys. I was having health issues... So, I begin the story...

First look at the photos….

Do you see how tar are you getting to your lungs? Do you still think weed is innocent as i thought ? Here in my country, everybody smokes weed with tobacco. The mix is %30~40 weed, %60~70 tobacco. No one uses any filter. Directly smoke. So you take tar as much as photo 2+3 show you... Do you really see the amount?...

And I smoked like this too, for years… So, My story begins...;

I am 37 years old. I started to smoke within normal cigarettes around 20 years old. So, I am a smoker for around 17 years. I only quit for 2 years( no any kind of smoking). My friendship with weed is 10 years old in this 17 years. In these 10 years, I was not a daily or heavy weed smoker, i was smoking weed rarely...I never bought it. I started to buy it in these other 5 years. But, in these other 5 years, I was smoking normal cigarettes 3 or 4 pieces a day and i was not a daily weed smoker. But last 2 years I am a heavy weed smoker. Almost every night, 2 or 3 joints mix I explained above...

My health issues started around 33… First, my lungs were a bit aching. I didn't have a cough or any shortness of breath… I did not care at that time and i kept smoking as expressed above. But last 1-year cough and shortness of breathe started… I was spiting bad color sputum on every morning and i have shortness of breathing more like hunger for air… Also, since last August a tiny whistle sound started to come from my lungs… Until 1 of March, i was still a daily smoker :( Bcoz...

I loved weed. She was like my best girlfriend. I was having a very good time with her. She was really really part of my life. Almost everything became meaningful with weed. I smoke when i am happy, sad, and with almost every mood. I had work, family, and life problems and i thought this relaxed me, took off my stress... But nowadays i realize how i fucked my health ( especially lungs) and how daily smoking is making things worse... Look at photos, that disgusting and sticky tar or chemicals you take it in...

I went to several doctors and they did several tests. There is nothing serious but yeah breathe tests are a bit low than has to be...

Friends...me, and my all close friends consider cigarettes as evil but weed is an angel. We knew there is no about weed causing lung cancer or other sicknesses... But i think we were all wrong, very... since 1 of March, i quit smoking. Even in these 10 days, i recovered a bit. At least feel more healthy and feel more air in my body... I still spit sputum very much but not with bad color. I know lungs are cleaning themselves.

Life has given you once friends and weed must be a pleasure, not a habit. If you smoke every day like me, you will have problems and weed is gonna be evil. My mental health fucked up... I realize this nowadays. Luckily, i still have time to recover before nothing is too late...

I hope i did not bother you and i didn't use reckless language in my story. I just wanted to share my experience and warn you as much as i can..Thx for reading and guys please take care of yourselves well...





Welcome Basssc,

I have never used filters on cigarettes or anything else. In the past manufacturers have used asbestos, charcoal and fiberglass in the filters and now they are using material such as plastic and cellulose with glue mixed in. Have quit cigarettes but always smoked unfiltered ones because I think the dust and material in the filters is worse than the tobacco smoke I am breathing in, just my opinion. I think the key to optimum health and our chosen vices is simply moderation.
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