Mary Jane is my only lady


New Member
Before I started smoking weed I was a chain smoker and had a drinking/other drug problem and now I only smoke weed have the odd cigarette and the odd beer, has anybody else had a similar experience?
You bet...if I drink ethanol, I always end up disliking it, because I have Cannabis as a reference. I can drink and then smoke, but if I smoke first I will not drink. I've used other very addicting drugs and dropped them because of Cannabis. I quite Cannabis for many years and picked it up again mostly for medicinal purposes.

This is one of the reasons there's such a strong lobby by distilleries and tobacco companies against legalization of Cannabis. Easy to grow, no processing required, harmless, takes profits from these other industries.
I've never been much of a drinker...

But, I've been smoking tobacco cigarettes since I was around 12~13 yoa.

MJ's helped me curb my tobacco usage quite a bit. I used to be a 2-pack a day smoker till I started with regularly smoking Cannabis back in my early 20's. Back then weed was good 'n' plenty back then and I went from 2 packs a day to one pack week

When I was forced to abstain from Cannabis a few years back (all my sources just disappeared and I didn't have a doc's rec.) I went back to smoking more cigarettes - 1, then 2 packs a day. Packs were getting too expensive so I started to roll my own. I was smoking 3~4 cans of TOP a month.

Got my first card April before last. Was able to curb the tobacco down to 3~6 hand-rolled cigs a day - and that's smoking last year's crop that turned out horribly. I only stashed 6 oz of buds from a crop of 6 plants, and that 6 oz of buds wasn't dried right or stored right so it's not the best tasting stuff :cough: . All the buds are gone and I've been smoking the shake for the last couple of months. Shit's nasty :cough: :cough: :cough: but it gives me that kick in the head that I need and it still helps me to curb the tobacco usage.
Wowser ima on it with yous here....if not for cannabis id still be a loser on those other, harder drugs....people wanna try drugs because they wanna try drugs....mary jane was the reason i stopped all that other ima normal...well for the most part...:hippy:
I always found it funny how they take a guy who smokes cannabis, then becomes addicted to coke and call it a gateway drug.

But wait a minute...I thought cannabis is schedule 1 & coke is sch 2? So does that mean it's a gateway to 'safer' drugs?

Man its crazy what you can find/figure out when you know what to look for.
I smoked 3 packs of ciggs a day took other bad things I am not suppose to say here and well...
A case of beer for a days party might have been enough..

Then I left the army ...and started to smoke pot again.
Now...maybe 1/2 a pack a day
No booze at all, unless I am cooking with it
And I have 12 nice plants growing.

It was a gateway back to a reasonably sober person!
Mary Jane is my only lady

What a sad statement.

Guess your genetic line ends with you.
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